Question about the new law (scenario)

Let’s say someone is drifting in an empty parking lot at night and the cops where to show up.
What kind of ticket do you think one will be issued, stunt driving or just trespassing?

Mind you the new law put emphasis on stunt happening on the highway or public roads.
I was just having an argument over that and wanted to know what you guys all think?

Probably Tresspassing if its private property your drifting on, like businesses, factory parking lots.

you can also get hit with a public nuscense fine, property damage due to tire tread marks, it all depends on what cop you get and the kind of night he is having, even a wreckless/careless driving could be issued

yeah, goofing off on private property pretty much eliminates most of the traffic violations you can be given except for reckless driving and that one is hard to hold up in court unless he can prove what you were doing was likely to cause injury or damage. Of course, having to go to court to defend yourself can be a hassle.

The previously mentioned trespassing and public nuisance fines are more likely options for a cop to enforce unless he really does think you were endangering people with your driving.

I was wondering about that same thing last night… as I was playing around in a parking lot near my house. Perfect time!

The thing I’m having trouble comprehending is…when everyone started cracking down on skateboarding (i.e. skatestopped curbs, harder security guards, trespassing etc)…the public pressure mounted until cities started building skateparks. Now within 35 minutes of burlington, there is at least 6 $100,000+ skateparks.

With recreational driving established as a fairly large pasttime of north americans; when is the public outcry for a designated practice area going to reach the level where it becomes a government subsidized operation?

Granted, a LOT of money is wasted on shitty municipal-designed skateparks- and I would suppose that government-built/maintained tracks would be too…but would you not appreciate a legal wide corner to practice drifting on? Or even just a legal parking lot 100% free of hassles?

I don’t know, thats just how I see it.

we all know we have police officer on this forum.
I wonder how come they never step in and answer questions like theses?

Because they are here to lurk and never to help. Police officers only help when it helps them.

Because he/she prolly doesn’t care to?
Either way, no track will ever be built for us, that’s a well known and accepted fact. The whole street racing/drifting phenomenon is just there to whore media attention and voter support. The issue has no substance.

Well…then I guess I’m going to start building.

I’ve got 105 acres, and a hell of a lot of work ahead of me.

even if you have the property, you still have to get permission from the government if your going to build something substantially big like a track.

and going back to the question, i remember one guy (on this forum, forgot who) got reckless driving for drifting in a parking lot because his friend was in the lot watching him. the cop said he was endangering that guys life, but the guy who was the drifter’s friend, ran away. and the guy got booked in the end.

so i guess as long as there is no one around you that can get endangered, you can’t really get a serious penalty i guess? shrugs

Yeahh, I’m well aware of the cost/effort that needs to be put into building a track…I’m trying to build a 4-car garage, and thats a big enough undertaking as it is.

Do you think the penalties can get worse if there is multiple cars at the parking lot?

^i would say yes, cause than that would lead to “organized” street racing, even if its just drifting.

Yeah, what he says.
If they were multiple cars in the parking lot, that would be call a wager and therefore fall under the law saying that no one should operate a motor vehicle in a wager or a bet ect ect…
Coming back to the point, Fobwall made an interesting point on a tread about people on son been posers and no one actually drift.
I would love to pick up drifting , I have the drift bible at home and will be more then happy to sacrifice sets of tires like the drift king said in order to get my 90’s and 180’s right and them move on to drifting (you guys know exactly what I am taking about) LOL
No so much about drifting, but those wonderful winter night in the Canadian tires parking lots are all gone since drifting is socially unacceptable as drunk driving lately.

I kid you not, I saw a mini van trying to chase a civic who did a burn out at the light, male and his wife in their 50’s went out of their way to follow the Honda driver to most likely get the plate to report to the cops. Honda driven by some young guys , light turned green and they done a little burn out, I see old man who was about to make the left getting back in the lane to follow, ( you can see them pointing and shouting from the window) I was like WTF?

The cops reminds me of judge dredd ( I am the law , I am the judge, jury and the executioner ), I guess the uniform will be call the law giver.


Therefore, a cop, should you fail the attitude test could charge you with Dangerous driving under the criminal code, or tresspass notice.

Possibly tresspass after dark, not likely if you are willing to leave and comply with any request to leave.

For the guy who was talking about skateparks, you made an interesting point. However, the government does not give a shit about “drifters” (posers) and they would rather make money giving you guys tickets than building a track just for the 15 - 20 people who are into “drifting”.

Look at all the shootings and killings we have here in Toronto.

Do you see the government building shooting ranges?

^very interesting point… I was watching soem superbike stunt show on speed thursday night, they showcased a stunt-bike park in France, FREE park, for all those problematic motorcylce stunt artists, and guess what, it works. The guys practise their stunts on a closed lot, in a safer manner.

If only our government was forward thinking like many of the european governments.

Take for instance, that in the Nordic countries it is encouraged for drivers to practice winter driving (sliding etc) in parking lots in off hours, to learn greater car control. Try that in Ontario, and you’ll get a dangerous driving charge.

the gta’s retarded… lets move out.

the reason why you wont get shooting ranges is just that this is not U.S.A lol. many killings happin here yes, but what about chicago this year? or even smaller american towns.
and on to what .white240. said… i agree about the skateparks. i am still into skateboaring big time, when i was growing up alot of running/hiding from security and police. now in brampon there are 2 big skateparks and 12 i can think of locally.
now the gvmnt will bann all this shit but how long will it take before a track is built?
or better yet i was at cscs on sat and they had a police trap setup on the way out with a Ferrari pulled over. lol
GTA SUCKS AND WE WIL LALSWAY GET THE SHIT END OF THE STICk. unless you guys all vote for me in the election :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing will change unless the Government actually cares,
& doesn’t act like “posers”…pretending they care about street racing, and the whole car stunt scene, without making proactive solutions.

Europe’s laws and ways of pro actively thinking truly is much better, where they’ll actually act upon things in way that can satisfy everyone, guess our government are just old timer views, where all they find amusing is a round of golf, or spending tax dollars on themselves or unimportant things.