Question - Collision Insurance

It has thankfully been a while since I have had to deal with the logistics of collision insurance. Unfortunately last week some jerkoff forgot how to come to a stop in the rain and hit my fiance while she was sitting at a red light. (Nothing too serious. He just caught her RR corner giving her a shattered tail light, damage to the bumper, quarter panel, and trunk lid.)

So anyhow, what next? Go get a quote? Call Insurance first? Who’s insurance? It was the other guy’s fault. He got ticketed for something while my fiance didn’t.

Thanks guys.

u have all his info…go get a few quotes from ur favorite places…call his insurance…tell them u got a quote…they might have u goto one of their approved places to get antoher quote…if u have a copy of the police report thats great when u talk to HIS insurance co.

yeah last xmas our paper guy smashed into my car in my own driveway…i went and got a couple of quotes, gave them to him, about a week later I got a check from his insurance company…no quetions asked it was kinda weird. it is all going to depend on if the guy who hit your fiance just fully admits hes at fault, otherwise you might want to go through your insurance agent as they can duke it out

Call his insurance company. They will tell you what to do. Get it fixed, don’t take a check, you never know what kind of stuff will come up later.

So ultimately she shouldn’t have to front a penny to get it fixed right? The last thing I want to do is have the dude’s insurance company tell us to go ahead and get it fixed and they’ll reimburse us, then have them say “What claim? It was your fault” or some BS like that…

Not if he was at fault.

Call her insurance. They’ll send you a check to cover the repairs after they take a looksie at it and also check to reimburse her for her deductible. I had the check for my deductible within a week of the one to fix the car.