Now this is totally hypothetical, my parents are constantly paranoid of being sued, consequently, 90 acres of fields/ woods go untouched when it comes to parties/ drunken bonfires.
Now, if someone, who is 21 years of age, brings their own alcohol to party, and they drink/dive and get caught, or drink and drive and get into an accident/hurt someone, would my parents be liable in any way?
I understand my parents would get in deep shit if they were allowing the consumption of alcohol by minors on their property.
Just wondering on the whole BYOB 21 and over thing.
Edit: not that i promote drinking and driving, but you know how parties with lots of drunk people end up, theres always a few drunks who like to sneak off.
i know someone that his father got plastered drove home wrapped himself around a telephone pole killed himself… and the kid is set for life… cause they sued the bar
Hypothetically someone could just call a lawyer and say they hurt themselves on your parents land and your parents/parents insurance company would be screwed.
Some dirt bag lawyer would settle out of court just by threatening your insurance company.
It happens everyday.
Also I dont think without proving that somehow your parents were aware of any ongoings on the property could the suit actually be won IMHO. But that would make sense, so it must be wrong :smash2:
ya, its bullshit… kinda off topic… i know a guy who built himself a motocross track for him and his son and a few buddys…some douchebag kid went up there with out the owner knowing…broke his arm, and sued the shit outta the owner…the owner had to sell his land the track was on just to pay for the settlement.
but yeah, your parents can get fucked if that happens, most people won’t do that (sue) but its those pricks who are dumb enough to drink and drive(and crash) that are dumb enough to sue.
I don’t think there would be much of a case. If the people that own the land aren’t aware of the partying going on, and as long as the people there are all 21 and older then there shouldn’t be a problem…like Jeller said: just put no trespassing signs up and that should prevent any lawsuits.
The thing is though, people threaten with lawsuits and insurance companies settle out of court because it costs so much to fight a lawsuit.
I know someone that sued TOPS because they twisted their ankle and TOPS insurance company gave them $5,000.00 because they didn’t want to fight it!!!
In other words Insurance companies have reserves for settling.
It is sad really.