Quick question...

my exhaust is a little loose and smacks off a small crossmember about halfway back the car. Any ideas of what I can shove between the exhaust and the crossmember to shut it the hell up that wont catch on fire? I was thinking maybe a few old shop rags or something… :dunno:

Yeah, shop rags sound good. Look for the ones that are soaked in oil/grease as they will be lubricated and won’t let it squeak. :kekegay:


cat covers, get rid of them

a dead small animal carcas will definetly fit nicely in there

lick my taint faggot. They wont have any grease on them. I was actually eyeing up some old dishrags. I could go to the auto store and get some heat resistant stuff, but that would take energy and would cost money.

already did. Thats why its bouncing around. The cat cover was all rusted out and dragging so I ripped it off, unbeknownst to me it was had hangers on the top of it… :mad:

Asbestos. :slight_smile:

Is there any where to wire it from above?

not that I can see. I havent got it up on the jackstands yet to look, but if memory serves me correct its completly flat under there. Plus I dont have any wire…

coat hanger :slap:

if someone would of used one around 22 years ago,the world would be a better place! :booty:

hahhahaha, sounds like a bad horror film part.


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: your gettin good! :beer:

about the exhaust… wire ties from the rubber hanger to the frame… sounds bad but trust me it works

twice would be even better

the rubber hanger is on the frame.
how would that work.


What if you just got some metal shim stock but wedged it in tight. Can take the heat but won’t rattle or vibrate. I guess if you don’t have any wire then you probably don’t have shims. :doh:

How much space between the pipe & the crossmember? Like inches or fractions of an inch?

im talking about if its around the muffler area where the exhaust is loose…
mine was a little lose, so all i did was take wire ties and slide them thru the rubbers that were attached to the muffler and wire tied to the frame, it moves a little bit, but not like before

zip tie that bitch to something in the opposite direction

unless teh rubber hangers barely fit in there they’ll still have some shimmy room and make noise. i think you’re on the right track with softer things, or figure out a way to bracket things back into place :dunno: