Quick Question?

So i was talking with some friends and this got brought up.

Say your dating this girl and u both are “in love” and say id do anything for ya.

Now say u wanted to move/or moved for a better job. The girl could easly get a higher paying job with the move too due to her profession.

Say the girl says no i wont move i like it here. We all know that long distance relationships dont work so shes pretty much telling you we have to split up.

whats your take on this? she worth staying with knowing this ahead of time??

Ladies would you move for your man?

Always a sticky situation.

Do whatever makes you happier. If money makes you more happy than said girl, then do it.

If not, do the best you can with the cards you are dealt.

Get rid of her.


I would not wait around on account of a girl, get your career rolling and then worry about women.


Money > Hoes


im not even saying career. im saying if he just wanted 2 move

Don’t listen to these people. They are talking out of their ass or they have never had a GF or they are teenagers.

You already know what youre going to do. So do it.

How old is he?

I’m actually in a long distance relationship right now, she lives in Albany, I met her in New York. I prefer it this way because being around the same person every day gets on my nerves so please don’t tell me about relationships, I’ve been in all of them.

if you want your girl to be around but she won’t move now, she’s not going to move ever. You didn’t start this relationship as a long distance relationship so don’t expect it to become one. If you want to try, that’s fair, but expect it to not work.

well he dont know whats he is going to do thats the thing. Should he leave her knowing that if he choose to move or has to that she wont go with him.

Its like why date from now till whenever if shes not going to be there with him in the end. knowing the end result would not be a arguement. just moving

the answer depends on the age and education level of the people involved.

I suggest you stop being such a fggt.

Not enough info… where’s “here” and where’s “there”? what kind of professions are we talking about?

If she really “loved” you, she would go with you… even if it’s to a mud hut in Somalia.

Especially given that, like you said, you both could get higher paying jobs…

If it were the other way around, would you follow her?

Lol, I know a certain Floridian that should chime in this thread…

i was going to say this. If you’re willing to leave her to go for the job, then do you really love her?

And in reality, if you’re already questioning whether you should stay or not, then you have doubt. Doubt is a pretty fast growing infection, especially if this is just a hypothetical question.

Don’t forget, sometimes being around friends and family is much more important than moving across the country on the behalf of money. If that is her view, then you have someone who could be considered “wholesome”, rather than “materialistic”.


this sounds soooooo hypoethetical.

Sounds like someone needs a donkey punch.


fuck. im keeping quiet. I still havent figured this out.

I definitely have some regrets about the way I went about htings though.

Honestly this is the situation i faced but i was supported in my decision and i neglected to see that it truly made her a mess… now i’m living with the repercussions and now I dont know what my next move will be.

to be blunt, ive been a mess and i wish i handled things differently from the day i got the job offer…

It kind of just fell into my lap and then the excitement overtook me with joy, I assumed like you that she wanted to be with me enough that shed follow and that when she said she wanted to be somewhere warmer, florida would be sufficient…

I never talked about it enough and I never really listened…

Like i said… tons of regrets.

Hindsight… 20/20.