Quick questions about BMW M3's

How do you figure Tuesday? JW

I’m thinking about getting AWE SwitchPath Exhaust. Such a lovely sound… pricy though.

-search by ports

  • germany, usa
    • bremerhaven, NY NY
      Don Juan will leave port June 9th and get to NYC the 24th

i saw you asking about the used one in the classifieds, i had the awe on my s4 and it was fantastic sounding , id imagine its the same for the m3/4

Nice… thanks!

Yes I was… think I want the non-resonated though. Not sure i can get one right away…

This was at Dash’s today, really nice color in person I must say


I didn’t like that color at first (on the M4) but it grew on me( on the M3) and then BMW decided to cancel the Sakhir orange I think in March? But it’ll be back on the 2016. I may have ordered it in that color…

im still uncertain about that orange, some pictures it looks fantastic and others it just looks “blah”

There is a Sakhir Orange M4 I keep seeing down here, and I think it looks excellent in the sunlight.

My sales person says there’s a vessel loading today and possibly departing but it wouldn’t be the first time she’s blowing smoke up my ass. That statement doesn’t concur with the Don Juan’s departing schedule.

Not unless you’re going to a different port than nyc

@Jeller saw that yesterday on Main, so nice!

I wouldn’t think so…

my screen finally updated on the bmw website to “production ends”, hoping i was loaded on the Don Juan today

https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/451/18472819498_ce89899cf4_z.jpgScreen Shot 2015-06-09 at 10.54.28 PM by saxonbrian2, on Flickr

As did mine… I’ve been calling since Thursday with no info other than at port.

Just called… it was loaded on the Don Juan like you said yesterday and is on the way over… about 11 days.

Feel free to shoot me a pm when you need your 1200 mile service done. I’ll make sure it’s done right and nobody abuses the car.

Awesome… Last time I was up there I was going to chat with you but seeing I never met you I wasn’t sure who to ask for.


haha. Was just listening to this the other day…

      • Updated - - -

I see some of the guys are able to see exactly where the vessel is and it’s voyage. I wanted to show my son as he was asking… any idea how to do this?

Check out the posts on bimmerpost, I believe a sticky in the delivery forum on how to search and I’d imagine the Don Juan thread I started you will start seeing pictures

United Kingdom

look at you ! :bigtup: