QuickSilver>Ion Red Line

The reason I am posting this is due the shear humor behind it. I drive a slightly modded GP GTP, I was driving home when I was stopped at a light going on the thruway. This on ramp has two lanes that merge into one right before you get on the thruway ( I’m sure most of you have an idea of where I am now). I was in the right lane waiting to take a left onto the ramp when a guy in a silver Ion pulled up next to me in the left turning lane. His car had some decals on it (the only one I read was Injen). I absolutely thought nothing of it. When I looked over I saw him starring at me and he gave me a nod (he was either hitting on me or wanted to race, either way I was gonna go as fast as I can up this ramp). The light turns green and we both gun it. He had a slight advantage because of the shorter turn and the fact that my lane merges into his, but it didn’t matter I over took him almost instantly as soon as we hit the ramp. I was a good car length ahead of him and increasing when I got onto the thruway. Once it was settled that I won I eased off. I saw him gaining on me fast and then over take me so I hit the throttle. Once I passed 110mph I began to over take him and by 125 I was gone again.

Now before you guys say “well duh, its an Ion”, Nobody really ever challenges me to a race ( I drive a Grand Prix go figure). And I know it was an Ion redline because his engine had a very loud whine to it (louder than mine). I have no idea if it was modded or not, although he did have an after market exhaust I believe, other than that I don’t know. Anywho, thought I’d post it to see what you guys thought.

:tup: for a GP race. Gotta show support :wink:

Nobody really ever challenges me to a race ( I drive a Grand Prix go figure)

I seem to have that problem too.

I just wanted to add…I saw a Ion at Lancaster last night…had the loud M62 screamin’

lol nice

Damn those M62’s! It was just the intake that made the whine. For the 3-5 hp that they add most people just get them for the SC whine… lol I wasn’t gonna buy one but ended up buying the Injen lol


(he was either hitting on me or wanted to race, either way I was gonna go as fast as I can up this ramp).



nice run…s

When I looked over I saw him starring at me and he gave me a nod (he was either hitting on me or wanted to race,

^^^Exactly why I use my gf to talk the talk to get a race.:wink: