Quik at PRP tonight

Modulars been around 15 or so years, SBF pushrod been around 3 times longer. Weight in new fords are rediculous

true, those new mustangs and gt500’s are gettin heavier every year…wtf is up with that. they need to make it like the 99-04’s that were like 3300lbs

Ask Jeeves he knows

i didnt get the response i wanted

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits weak [/grandmas boy]

one of the best movies evar! lol audios turd nuggets!!

shit im suprised you didnt try to get on that

i know, i’m abit surprised too. but i havent seen her for a number of years and just recently this year i talked to her again. oh well, other things came around lol

its ok you have a mullet ride you dont like pussy but i did hear she has a tail of history to herself

shit, my mullet ride gets better. but yeah, i guess she does have a history

this is true

so little miss cocky loves the cock?

i’m not gonna even say anything…lol:)

haha a hoe a 17 who would of thought

i made Adam’s hole week!:smiley:

SHE probably has no money into her setup

congrats bud havent been on here in a few days even though your standing downstairs