
hahahahahahahahaha that statement is quite hilarious! you are pretty good at believing what you want to hear as well! and never hearing it from the source!

the ppl that know the story are the ones involved. sit there and think for a second look at the person who you got your info from… is that person really a realiable source or just a person you think knows whats going on???

unless you heard it directly from the source you and others have no clue what was going on

there will always be stories passed on about anything. its the grapevine and unless heard it from source all else is fictional

:rofl: at this entire thread.

archive bound FTW

well since im supposly the source i didnt tell him so i would know. so why dont you just believe or think or do whatever you wish to do. cause it wont get you anywhere

thats like if i believe the stories of you and Gia leaving you cause of reasons. that was hear say and it came from the same place where you supposly heard shit…makes you wonder doesnt it

George, I heard it from two people, the same exact story, which give credibility to the story I was told. And I trust both of them, one more so then the other, but still, after hearing it from two people, the same exact story.

maybe you should ask jeeves?

oh i know dan is full of shit, thats what I am saying. The dude spreads rumors like its his job! and its Gina!


:drama: :drama: :drama: :drama: :drama: :drama: :drama:

x46544654 billion

sleeper still sucks ,now thats the TRUTH

Yea ,How do peoples personal life become part of a website?

its very easy when 80% of the people on the website know each other outside of the website.

Yea I know, but there more to it than that.

haha your the source that spread it to me hahhaha tyhis is so funny!!

first thing out of your mouth was come outside ill tell you hahhahaha

so you better makle that 99% of your didnt hear it form the source.;…if you not the source then hell jeddi…you informend me about what was going on in your persoanl life…and i told you i could give a fuck less its all drama…

an i to and wrieting this while taking a dump wireless rules!

so yeah the story is goinna spread its pittspeed fast cars fast mouths…yeah baby new t-shirt

you made your bed sleep it and deal with it

if not shut up and quit responding…and it will go away…but your making it fun cause your getting all worked up and it makes it funny…

ploop ass there goes this thread


are you pooping in a styrafoam cup?

grrrrr ploop oh damn no points for that one

to big of a splash gotta work on my dimount so much of a spin and twist was thrown from staging platform…

no styrafoam cups just plastic party cups and believe me i wouldent clear the center of the cup

if i lined it up and held her tight it would blast all inot confeti!! not a good thing

funny is the story that comes out your mouth. more then enough shit comes from there. im sure the story is different then what was said