Quik83z's Soon to be Quick 83Z

Yeah, I had a blue '71 Duster. It was nice looking but it was a puttywagon.

I’m out working on the car all the time, sure stop by and say HI!


75-200 HP Plate System…

Billet WOT Switch…

Hidden Bottle & Heater…

Purge Button & Arming Switch Hidden in Ashtray…

Purge Setup…

Pressure Gauge & Safety Solenoid…

Only One Screw to Access Bottle…

Since I Was Pulling All Those Wires - New Amp…

And A Couple of 10" Subs…

Ready To ROCK…

FLD Here I COME! :cool:


nice old shiny crate engine :hs: should sound nice and puurty

Got some video clips?

That thing should rip ass.

Took it out for a quick “road test” last night. Lil’ tiny 75HP jets installed.
Going uphill, nailed it in second, took off like a missle, hit third and went sideways.
Gonna move up to the 125HP jets and try again when roads are completely dry. :bigthumb:

good to hear. at least someones car works :smiley:

What did you decide to do?
New stroker motor?
Fix old motor?
Save heads & new short block?

just going to get the head fixed.

Block is OK?

i think so yeah. havent taken the straight edge to it yet

sweeet…lookin good, look 4ward to seing it run at FLD

You gotta take me for a ride, Mike. I wanna see this thing rip.

Sure will bud, wait until I get the nitrous system sorted out tho…

You gonna go with a new nitrous controller, or what have you decided to do with it?

I’m not sure yet, all I know for sure is this POS is going back.

OK then…

Nitrous system problems seem to be solved. I’ll find out for sure tomorrow at the FLD, but I think I’m good.

FYI! Anyone using or considering using this NOS-15974 controller: http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=NOS-15974NOS&N=700+0&autoview=sku … read on!

I bought this controller because it looked like the “swiss army knife” of nitrous controllers and it was fairly inexpensive at right around $250. It has two completely independent controllers for running dual stages. It offers an rpm window switch - shuts the nitrous off at a pre-set rpm to avoid hitting rev-limiter with nitrous flowing (rev-limiter + nitrous = BAD). It has a delay feature to allow nitrous to wait until you are in 2nd gear, or hooked up, or whatever. It also allows a progressive hit - ex: start at 20%, ramp up to 100% in 3 seconds, etc. Sound good huh?

I set mine up to window from 3k - 6k with my rev limiter on 6200. I set a 1.5 second delay to get into 2nd gear. I set 100% start, zero ramp, and 100% end (I wanted the full hit all at once). When the system activated it started to open the solenoids, but then there was a clicking sound coming from the soleniods. The longer they stayed on, the louder the clicking got and the hotter the soleniods got. Seems that they were not opening fully and not staying open properly. Holley tech support told me “Sounds like a bad ground or a bad controller”. I ran direct grounds from the battery and it made NO difference. I was about to give up and return it, but I decided to try a progressive hit just for the hell of it. I set it on 50% start, 1 second ramp, and 100% end. IT WORKED PERFECTLY. Then I tried 100% start, 1/10 second ramp, and 100% end. Once again, it worked perfectly. The whole problem, it seems, is: YOU MUST PUT SOME VALUE IN THE RAMP TIME. It CANNOT be zero. It was a SOFTWARE PROBLEM for shit sakes! :nuts:

All I can say is: Nice Tech Support Holley! :finger:

CLiffs…If you use a NOS-16974 controller, you MUST put some value in #5 - Ramp Time.

Yay! I’d be out at the FLD’s, but I’m going to New York this weekend. Keep us posted, and I still want a ride in it.

PRP This afternoon…

12.72 @ 110.32 on motor
11.68 @ 117.80 on spray :boink

Lost to a kickass blown Cobra tho…:smiley:

Yeah, I know - Great reaction time…lol

Next mod: Back Half.