Quit my job today...

So for those of you who rememer i was laid off a couple of months ago…Long story short, I walk into another job with false promises and unreachable goals.
As of yesterday I landed a job making 25% more than i do now and that is only until I get used to their computer database and used to the enviroment, then the pay goes up even higher.They are giving me 3 months to get allocated, In all actuallity it will prob. take me 2 weeks. Sorry to say that for those who know i used to have he hookup on paint and bodywork, i no longer do (thank god). Best thing is they gave me off for the friday of carlisle, no questions asked.
Needless to say im pretty happy:wiggle:


good job little one

what are you gonna be doing?


Cool, I need a new job… Anyone know anyone hiring Mechanical Engineers??? that pays fairly well.

data base haxor?

congrats Tom :wiggle:

whatcha doing now?

LOL noone ever lasts there, glad to see you got out too, and on your own terms…

Nice work landing the new job, man. Congrats!

Congrats sir :tup:

teaa- uP :slight_smile:

congrats to u ! :slight_smile:

workin with steve-o

congrats :slight_smile:


aaahhh REUNITED AT LAST!:gay3: