R1 > Blown Fbody

I might be out after work tonight… around midnight… not sure though… you should run andy balls 12r…


i dont see the mighty pumpkin an the angry bubble bee stepping up to the plate?! i said i’d go from a dig, an give you a snowballs chance in hell…

the sig is just to bust his balls. I already know ill beat him. The nova is retired… she had a good run…quite a few to be exact.


Like i said before, I dont race… I just like cruising my pumpkin around town :smiley:


. I already know ill beat him. The nova is retired… she had a good run…quite a few to be exact.


Hey Willard since your a psychic and can beat anything on 4 wheelz these days how about I take my car to lancaster in a few weeks and we race for a couple bucks? I’ll just add gas, I think the 2005 tune will do just fine :slight_smile: Loser pays gas fees…including laughing gas fees :tspry: :wink:


Hey Willard since your a psychic and can beat anything on 4 wheelz these days how about I take my car to lancaster in a few weeks and we race for a couple bucks? I’ll just add gas, I think the 2005 tune will do just fine :slight_smile: Loser pays gas fees…including laughing gas fees :tspry: :wink:


Fuck Yeah!!!


Hey Willard since your a psychic and can beat anything on 4 wheelz these days how about I take my car to lancaster in a few weeks and we race for a couple bucks? I’ll just add gas, I think the 2005 tune will do just fine :slight_smile: Loser pays gas fees…including laughing gas fees :tspry: :wink:




Hey Willard since your a psychic and can beat anything on 4 wheelz these days how about I take my car to lancaster in a few weeks and we race for a couple bucks? I’ll just add gas, I think the 2005 tune will do just fine :slight_smile: Loser pays gas fees…including laughing gas fees :tspry: :wink:


Great idea, but will never happen. Everyone is afraid of the track. There’s just something about “launching” that gets everyone scared.


…including laughing gas fees :tspry: :wink:


you know where I am :tspry:

what the… you mean… HAHA BRING IT ON BITCH (haha all it took was a challenge from the right person, an correct type of shit talking…) for this i will change the sig… hey if you wanna bet a little more…

How about I’ll bet you 100$ i can beat you at NYI… ill give you a hundred if you beat me… You ain’t gotta gimme shit if i win… (seeing its the only way to get you to go there…) You know im good for it.

But we all know this will never happen… :roll:


But we all know this will never happen… :roll:


wrd…I don’t see a date set for this yet:rolljerk:




nova needs a new owner that drives it…



wrd…I don’t see a date set for this yet:rolljerk:


And your not gunna see one either, because its no concern of yours. Maybe if you spent less time worrying about what other people were doing you wouldnt still have a broken car and only 2 kills under your belt. But I guess shit talking is just more your speed…


i dont see the mighty pumpkin an the angry bubble bee stepping up to the plate?!


They will be ready in a week or two, just wait, you’ll see. Just need to get tuned first, and take care of a little :snky: ish…BigBird is waiting on a smaller pulley and PumpkinPatch is waiting on hooking the the snky snky dual stage. They will PM you when ready or just come find you when ready :wink:

[quote=“Big B,post:71,topic:33568"”]



That wouldnt be too bad but the old ladys b-day is the 26th and I already have plans for the day and night


And your not gunna see one either, because its no concern of yours. Maybe if you spent less time worrying about what other people were doing you wouldnt still have a broken car and only 2 kills under your belt. But I guess shit talking is just more your speed…

BigBird is waiting on a smaller pulley and PumpkinPatch is waiting on hooking the the snky snky dual stage. They will PM you when ready or just come find you when ready :wink:


:nono: k justin let me know when your going to the track so the pumpkin can come play. Snk snky dual stage?? Your the only snky one ha I still dont have the NOS installed yet,busy with other things :wink: oh and bigbird is out of the game if you didnt already know…

lol like FASTMOFO will show up…


:nono: k justin let me know when your going to the track so the pumpkin can come play. Snk snky dual stage?? Your the only snky one ha I still dont have the NOS installed yet,busy with other things :wink: oh and bigbird is out of the game if you didnt already know…


I thought you were done for the year? Or just done after you lost to your neighbors civic? Hmm well I’ll just go to the track when I feel like it and I’ll post up a vid and timeslip that you wont beat. Easy enough and I dont even hafta see your ugly mug.

And as far as BB is concerned, you gotta be IN the game to be OUT of it. His biggest race was USA POWER in 2003…then he just lost to me on motor a bunch of times with the sweet blower setup that really wasnt that sweet at all…Even Kcuv gave up on awaiting the Yell0mar0 to come out. Bunch of hype the both of yas.

:lol: you get to into this shit justin, that cools if you dont want to run me at the track… btw yeah kevin did beat me and it was a good time. I dont care if i lose races.

I’m not really too into it…If I was too into it I woulda been shit talking all season like you have been…Notice Ive only been posting a few days about this garbage after you continuously instigated:ham:

I’ve been shit talking all season ?? To who haha just dust off the nova and bring it out sometime ferigt


i dont see the mighty pumpkin an the angry bubble bee stepping up to the plate?! i said i’d go from a dig, an give you a snowballs chance in hell…

the sig is just to bust his balls. I already know ill beat him. The nova is retired… she had a good run…quite a few to be exact.


Is there a reason “The Bee” needs to be brought up? I dont recall any shit talk from my end.? Way2Slow is not Showtime69. Im not interested in any of the high school drama associated with idividuals such as justin. When my car is ready ill run who ever, including the “Dusty King of 2004.” Until then leave me out of the B.S