Race Car Crash Video



That marshall is fuckin dumb AND lucky as hell.

He’s lucky cuz the car hit a tree. He’s dumb cuz he was standing in the reddest of the red zone (red meaning: stay the hell out) on a rally course.

hes even stupider because he ran away from the tree. he shoulda just stayed right behidn it, if only the back of the car hit the tree it would have swung around and killed him.

insticnt is to move the f*** out of the way…in a second you cannot think…hmmm if the ass end of the car hits the tree at precisely 38 degrees perpendicular to the 8th moon of jupiter, then it will swing around at 56mph in a clockwise direction, hitting me in the face.


thread getting moved in:




hhahahahaha you kill me

Ouch …

Makes me wonder … what would a floor impact feel like? Not too much of your safety gear is going to be much help.

My knees ache just thinking about it.

lol this is true

i guess im just a tree hugging hippie

your knees would be fine.
your spin would be crushed
it would be like jumping from 20 feet high and landing in a sitting position, ass first