Good video.
Is it summer yet?
Nice stuff!!
Now that the season is approaching I catch myself getting amped up by going over the video again.
Aaron when are you going this year and where to?
Put in my favorites…so I can figure out how to save it to listen to before every race. If I could only hook my walkman to a USB :banghead
If I sold enough blood to have my sv “properly” prep’d in time, I might be doing my first race of the season at Loudon in June or July. Would like to do at least one practice day before actually racing it though…I’ll have to see.
But you won’t be going to any typical track day meets right?
Probably won’t. Even TTD switched to a membership thing, It is cheap if you plan to do 5+ track days a year but it is a $500 buy in.
Well damn, I’ll have to meet up with you and re familiarize myself with what’s going on this year in the track day world.
May just join you in racing and double the fun. Gsxr is sitting around doing nothing anyways.
Well I am not sure if you MUST be a member to do trackdays or if you can still buy individual ones at regular price. However, I am sure some other club still sell individual trackdays, look for trackdays at monti since you will cut your travel time in half vs going to loudon.
Yeah the way the price of gas it, it will cost me a few hundred bucks easy to bring the van anywhere @ 8 MPG.
Good prices on track days are at NESBA where people sell off their credits it seems.
Please tell me that is not HWY MPG…
Monti is about 100 miles and loudon is 160, you do the math. Why not just get a trailer? I am sure your legacy can tow and still get 3x better mpg.
Yeah that’s highway :lol
Remember the van we grabbed before? Now think bigger and 1 ton.
Subi doesn’t like trailers and they horrendous with one. I’m not sure what mpg it gets while towing a bike but now it gets 24. With a bike and equipment I’m probably in the teens. With the van I can have all equipment both bikes and anything else in the world with the same mileage. Even sleep in it to save on hotels.
wow im liking this fourm better and better each day