Radar detectors. And me bitching.

Call V1 and ask for an R unit, knocks off about 40 bucks for their open box units.

I had an 8500 X50 for a couple years until someone broke into my truck and stole it the other weekend. I had zero complaints with it, works awesome! I just bought a V1 now to replace it, since I had to start from scratch the arrows were worth the extra $100 to me (I bought my X50 used, so paid substantially less for it back then), plus might as well try something new.

After I posted last night I looked up escorts 9500, man it seems to be the detector to have. GPS brings alot of cool features. I think if I got another one it would be the 9500/w red display. Look like they are going for about $400 on fleabay or $450 throught escort.

If you still have X band enabled on the V1, it will be a huge pain in the ass. Disable it.

the one thing I hate about the v1 is I do a lot of highway driving, and it has such good range, it actually picks up cops that are not even driving on the thruway, they actually will be on side roads OFF the thruway!

How does one go about doing that?


search google, there is a site that shows how to customize your v1

+1 4 V1



Love mine


Has anyone done this? I’m not sure if it’s such a great idea disabling it…

Why would you want to turn off X-band? Does it give a lot of false positives?

On my way from Hertle Ave in N.Buffalo to UB N.Campus the thing hardly shuts up at all. It’s just really annoying.

X band is rarely used any more for police work and is extremely common for things like automatic doors.

X band is still used in west virginia… and a few other states…just a FYI

Yeah, it is used. Just rarely around here. There’s always a tradeoff, but I was very happy with x shut off.

turned off X band the first day that I got my V1 years ago. I feel naked with the V1, it’s saved me so many tickets.

ah… u mean like they had certain areas on the gps turned off for certain false readings and it also missed a cop?

on another note, whatever the cops on the 190/290 were using to radar, was not tripping my escort 8500 x50 right b4 it was stolen from my car…

i’m not sure what it was, but i got hit once and then just stopped speeding in those areas. i’ve been a while without radar and have been fine, i just don’t take as many chances i guess

Yeah, and just because you see a cop doesn’t mean they are shooting radar.

If you are buying on a budget get the whistler pro 58. Paid $80 for mine over a year ago and it works just fine for everyday commuting. Won’t get and escort or a V1 until I get burned by this. Still have it so it must be doing fine.