radar thread

after reading the amhearst using xband thread and this being mentioned, i figured id make the thread,
so post up the usual spots where you know radar is taken,

heres a few i know of from south buffalo

  1. on southpark by marilla street in a parking lot you dont see untill its too late

2.they sit in the traintrack trail on either side of hopkins hill by botanicle gardens waiting for speeders going up,down or racing down the straight

  1. on tift by the soccer/baseball fiels after you come downhill from the bridge that people heavily speed on,

4 occasionally they hide under the overpasses in the fuhrmann area by the water as well

these are some spots where ive witnessed radar being taken, please share yours

bump for stickey

From Amherst

Campbell: Between Millersport and North Forest 35mph, (easy to speed)


County road and Salt (cop parks next to the church in the parking lot, never can see him)

ehh, all I can think of for now

I bet this will get locked… but

here is a good one… Northbound on the 219 about 2 miles after the milestrip exit…
they sit on berg road and shoot laser down below, they sit in a trail blazer. and there is usually 5 W.S cops around the bend…don’t worry they already got ya

Williamsville: Main, Across from South High School. Spa, parking lot.

Bottom of hill on Youngs, approaching Sheriden.

Corner of Evens and Sheriden.

There is fuckin cops everywhere in Amherst.


I bet this will get locked…


Public knowledge, why would it be locked???


Williamsville: Main, Across from South High School. Spa, parking lot.

Bottom of hill on Youngs, approaching Sheriden.

Corner of Evens and Sheriden.

There is fuckin cops everywhere in Amherst.


I go down Youngs numerous times a week and have NEVER seen a cop in that area. :gotme:

Transit Rd. in the parking lot across Muegel road from the fire station.

birchwood, right over the 400.

i think the x band by marilla is the CVS’s doors,but I can’t remember if its further down.

33 east. CPD sits on the Eggert on ramp

I call bullshit on this hardcore, not that it matters since he is banned but I live right there and NEVER see cops on the bridge.

I know on the 190 southbound, where the breckenridge tolls used to be, they like to hang out in there.


Weekend nights in the office parking lot just north of average joes on sweet home rd.
Millersport hwy, plaza parking lot just south of sheridan, they love it there.

I have a couple of friends that work patrol for apd, Ill ask them if they know where the traffic cops like to hang.

290 west - troopers hide under the 990 onramp (cant be seen till you pass)

219- but most of the time its around Berg road (1st bridge over the 219 when exiting from the 90) Have also seen them at the turnarounds around armor duells, the exit ramp off of 219 heading into springville, turarounds at boston hamburg exit, misc hidden areas in the medians, also from the rice road bridge/on ramp.


on Niagara Falls Blvd anywhere between Kenmore and Sheridan dont do over 40 limit 35


i’m from boston… I see troopers on the 219 all the time. it’s their money road

xband isnt typically cops. its lights and doors. as far as I know, all cops now use K and Ka radar and some use laser.

Lackawanna at Abbott lanes, DD(cops name) sits there in his explorer and pulls people over all day. Its 30 mph there but he lets people go up till 43 mph(has his gun set at) and people still speed there everyday.

Yep, also northbound by the Peace Bridge they will sit in the water treatment plant. It’s kind of hard to see them.

Check out www.speedtrap.org

I used to have a list of where I would see troopers on the I-90 between Buffalo and Rochester but I lost it, but there’s little nooks in most of the wooden medians.

Rochester- 4 troopers on 390 south from Greece to Henrietta today.

haha i know every single one, but IDK how to decipher which spots are where and going which way unless i was driving to and from.

+25 just got a ticket a month ago on that stretch at 530am