Random things you want, but can't justify buying.

We all have things in mind that we want, but we really don’t need at the time, either because we have an older model and it does the job just fine, or you got away without that item so long and you can do fine without in the future.

Some of mine.

Ak47 :ninja

Cannon DSLR

Bike Heads up Diplay

more later.

How about you guys?


Electric Drum Set.

New laptop
New grill
New turntables.

Shit, I bet we all can write a book.

That’ll I have money for after tax season?

Canon EOS 40D.
X-Box 360.
Surround sound to go with above.
New laptop.
Random car bits.

60" LCD TV would be nice

A couple of really hot bi-sexual house maides ;D

a real doll

Something that you can afford with your current situation… :tong

42" HDTV ;D
an iPhone
little things for my cars
PS3 (80gb)
a Macbook or some kind of nice laptop/notebook

i can’t think of anything else at the moment.

Phillipino Hookers

Verizon Voyager or Treo

B16 for my civic

An EK for my K

It would just about clean me out after adding tax, but it might be worth it :headbang Glad I’m a cheap jew :nod


:crackup :crackup

Dont we all want this… buggati veyron, 1005hp “stock” 1st key (normal spot) is upto 500hp and second key (between the seat and door on the drivers side) unlocks a beast.

Im still going with a jet coverted car.lol

Things icould afford.
-Fix my 55inch tv
-3K in carparts ( i wish)
-A girlfriend that dosnt bitch
-more money
-Fender for my car
-Door for my car

thats about it i already have a brand new laptop, phone.


is all u need

Lotus Elise.

I hear you on that one :nod

go w/the voyager. the treo is a piece of crap. i had one for about a month. swapped it out right before the 30 days was up.

Real frinds!!!??? :headbang