Rant about the NYS DOT: Someone needs to get spoken too at the top!


Wayne, I ‘bitched out’ because 1) I was already coming down with the flu (which is why I took all audio off the video or you would have heard me coughing up a lung and why I’m home right now instead of at the office :lol) and 2) because we were going to be very late to the party and there was no sense in proceeding only to arrive 2hrs late (or more). The flu is killing me right now…the slightest quick movement of the head sends me into dizzy spells, etc. F’in blows.

Also, the guys I was with completely ruined my mood by spilling an ENTIRE bottle of Starbucks Espresso (or something like that) all over the center console of my car. Everything right now is sticky.

Speaking of which…anyone know a good detailer who will take the seats out and steam clean the carpets, etc.?
