well decided to finally switch back my all seasons to my winters…i had gotten new all seasons in july at superior tires at hwy 7/mccowan.
So yea usually this process is a piece of cake until…
those idiots overtorqued the shit out of them with an air gun. I was able to get off most bolts but it was a gdamn work out using all my strength to loosen and im’ fairly avg strengthed ;o) Last wheel…usual struggle to loosen them…and then i noticed…it goes loose…and then retightens up…and the damn bolt breaks off…so half of it is in the stud now haha.
god…this is almost a piss off as mechanics not being able to do oil changes properly. Just makes it more suspicious before my bro got those new seasons…our old tires was quiet as hell…when we got the new tires on it was loud as hell and we went back…and then they said that something the axle had broken…$700 bill to fix and quite possible they may have done that damage in the first place due to their incompetence.
just had to rant because now it would be the smart thing to do to replace all the bolts as they were all overtorqued to shit which means money but safety > money.