
fuck titles, fuck leins, and a special fuck goes out to the dmv title bureau who’s line has been busy for the past week.:2fingers: /rant


non-croc related items lol

seriously i dont mean to sound like a whiney bitch. but…school starts back up in 3 days. i have been put in a tight spot finding a car and due to a title lein in florida, i wont be able to pick up the car i found for 15 days. stupid bitch couldnt figure this out before she put the thing up for sale. she needs a deposit to release the lein and i need a clean title to get a loan. its a catch-22. not to mention i have been calling the dmv title bureau for a week straight trying to get a rush put on another title, and have been getting nothing but the busy signal for weeks.

anywho…anyone else have to go through this b.s.?

No, because I make sure all the title stuff is in line before I buy a car. The DMV is a pain in the ass but if you walk in very well prepared with all your forms properly filled out it’s not that bad.


yep i understand i have been doing research on this the past few hours. from my talk with her, the title was all squared away in NY. she was the one who was confused and had to call her bank, etc etc. then she asked me for a 6000 dollar deposit!!! to pay off the lein to get the title sent to me. i’m like…you gotta be kidding me bitch… anyways…i called her back and told her their is no way you are going to sell a car with a lein on it till YOU, and only you pay off the lein and get the title sent over. well, looks like my car search continues and I leave for school wednesday. fucksdfgsbdgsikga

Waiting to the last minute FTW

^ tell me about it.

My favorite DMV story is still the time the lady in the express line told me, “We don’t take the express forms here in the express line”. Those are the forms you fill out online and all they have to do is scan the barcode at the bottom. That was probably the closest I’ve ever come to smacking a bitch.