
I would also like to point out how dumb this statement is just on the principle of we as people bitch about things that suck even if they are our own choice. If you go buy a new car and it blows up the next day will you not complain i mean you bought it. If you go eat dinner and the food was terrible will you not be upset, you ordered it right. How about if you go nail some chick and you get the clap will you not bitch that she gave you the clap i mean it was your willy you stuck in there. You fail.


1- If the car looked like a piece of shit when I test drove it, then no i wouldn’t because I got what I was expecting.
2- If the menu stated it was going to suck, then no, I wouldn’t bitch because I knew before-hand what i was getting.
3- If the chick looks like a slut and makes it obvious she gets around, then again, I would not complain if I got th clap as I again knew what I was getting.

And did you really just compare a crappy meal to signing up for the military?