lol good deal. Yeah he mentioned something about how he thought something was a scam because he got an email from someone in Iraq saying that Jim Fry referred them on an internet forum. :lol: Welcome to 21st century word of mouth. :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue: I hope he does well for you. :tup:

Good to hear you’re coming home. I’ll have to buy you a round when you get here. Buffalo area right?

Yea ill be staying with my parents and friends in the area near mighty. HAHAHA when i was typing i was seriousley like how do i not make this seem like a scam hahahaha. As long as he beats my savings accout then hes ok in my book. God i miss beer so much omg omg omg omg omg omg omg…omg omg omg omg omg.


for buried word, search recent news on NAACP lol


For the 3 people who didnt get it. So wrong but i cant say i didnt lol wheni read your post.


i hateee…

that i go to UB, which is gay, parking is ridic, and the one thing i shudnt have to deal with in class is (buried word)… and of course i got the 2 fucking (buried words) that sit behind me and like all of them they are ignorant pieces of shit and i would like to tie them to my muffler and ride in the woods with them. then ill make their half dead bodies dig their own grave and piss on them… and truly bury them. then put a watermelon on the site instead of a rose.

End / Rant


rant/ i cant stand white people who feel sweet calling people niggers and saying they wish they could kill them do harm to them in any way over the internet. i shall now continue the current trend of nyspeed intraweb hardassness and say come over to my house and bury me im just a dumb nigger and you dont have to worry i live in surburbia you can fit right in you piece or shit. get your momma’s titty out your mouth and be a fucking man and tell those niggers they are niggers and you’d love to murder them but since your a internet pussy you’ll continue to cry on nyspeed and clam up like a little bitch when the brothers sit behind you/end rant


rant/ i cant stand white people who feel sweet calling people niggers and saying they wish they could kill them do harm to them in any way over the internet. i shall now continue the current trend of nyspeed intraweb hardassness and say come over to my house and bury me im just a dumb nigger and you dont have to worry i live in surburbia you can fit right in you piece or shit. get your momma’s titty out your mouth and be a fucking man and tell those niggers they are niggers and you’d love to murder them but since your a internet pussy you’ll continue to cry on nyspeed and clam up like a little bitch when the brothers sit behind you/end rant


You know i am usually all about telling e-thugs they are fools but in this case i think it is well played and if this is how this guy really is then he needs it. Also man i know it probably pissed you off or whatever but realize he posted something like that to try to get this type of response i woul just ignore him if it is possible.

HAHAHA i just realized you started and ended that as a rant FTW on keeping the post on target woot.

Wegmans ultimate carrot cake is delicious.

/end rant.


afrank shut the hell up man… did u read the thread subject??
that was my fucking rant… and i was in class and they pissed me off i have a reason to rant… go be a little bitch/hardass thinking im dissing black people… even though i have 2 or 3 really good black friends… i didn’t see u crying on the NAACP buries N word thread…

o yea… because you couldn’t fight a million “rants”


always playin the race card…

HAHAHA at the flip. Waiting for a when someone flips the racist card rant FTW.

start rant/ i hate when people get mad about me ranting in the rant thread and then continue to be a little bitch over the internet why cant i just rant like the rest of the board why does one asshat think im directing my rant at him??? feeling a little guilty???/end rant

start rant/ i hate when people call me an idiot it makes me sad i wish they would come over call me all these mean names to my face/end rant

start rant/ but what i hate the most is when people say im pulling the race card because they throw around the word nigger like its a frisbee, but feel justified because they have 2 or 3 good black friends sweet jesus am i jealous of you/ end rant



HAHAH im totally not bitching man i dont mind this place at all. I just thought it was funny the things some people say to me and im like ummm wtf i dont care. Hey thanks for the props on doing what i do. I do love it but i wont lie its nice to get the balls fluffed sometimes you know. Support your troops and get me drunk ill be home in like 8 or 9 days. Oh and BTW tell Marc you want money for getting him some business im meeting with him the 5th.


one more weeeeek! :slight_smile:


I would also like to point out how dumb this statement is just on the principle of we as people bitch about things that suck even if they are our own choice. If you go buy a new car and it blows up the next day will you not complain i mean you bought it. If you go eat dinner and the food was terrible will you not be upset, you ordered it right. How about if you go nail some chick and you get the clap will you not bitch that she gave you the clap i mean it was your willy you stuck in there. You fail.


1- If the car looked like a piece of shit when I test drove it, then no i wouldn’t because I got what I was expecting.
2- If the menu stated it was going to suck, then no, I wouldn’t bitch because I knew before-hand what i was getting.
3- If the chick looks like a slut and makes it obvious she gets around, then again, I would not complain if I got th clap as I again knew what I was getting.

And did you really just compare a crappy meal to signing up for the military?

HAHAHAHA stop breaking the rules and make it a rant ok here ill go.
start rant/ Stupid Army makes me leave the U.S. and Lynn cant violate my friends special areas./end rant


1- If the car looked like a piece of shit when I test drove it, then no i wouldn’t because I got what I was expecting.
2- If the menu stated it was going to suck, then no, I wouldn’t bitch because I knew before-hand what i was getting.
3- If the chick looks like a slut and makes it obvious she gets around, then again, I would not complain if I got th clap as I again knew what I was getting.

And did you really just compare a crappy meal to signing up for the military?


LOL at you trying to revive yourself ok here it goes man i love the military so you arent really getting any ground there. I also love what i do and why i do it. Yea its tough at times but hey if you think i dont have the right to be upset when i have to watch a friend of mine die or when i have to carry dead children out school that was bombed then that is your opinion and i respect that man. As rediculous as it seems to me the last thing i would want is to support a place where someone like you cant have you opinion and voice it man so hate it all you want its cool by me. I will stay here as long as i have to to fix what we have done to this place.

shit i didnt start or end rant there oh well.

OMG i gots a good one for sure start rant/ I hate trying to stay low carbs and not missing any cardio while cutting ugh i just want a damn snickers bar./end rant


LOL at you trying to revive yourself ok here it goes man i love the military so you arent really getting any ground there. I also love what i do and why i do it. Yea its tough at times but hey if you think i dont have the right to be upset when i have to watch a friend of mine die or when i have to carry dead children out school that was bombed then that is your opinion and i respect that man. As rediculous as it seems to me the last thing i would want is to support a place where someone like you cant have you opinion and voice it man so hate it all you want its cool by me. I will stay here as long as i have to to fix what we have done to this place.


I may have taken things wrongly from your first few posts, because came off as legitemately bitching about being in Iraq, and that’s where my comments are rooted.

I’m glad you love what you do, and hopefully good will come of it in the end.

Word man i am most certainly not bitching on my behalf more so on the comedy of what others will to bitch to me about while i am sitting here is what i was ranting over. BTW this war is tragic and complete BS IMO but i would give it my glass of milk quote. “what do you do when you spill a glass of milk at dinner? You clean it up.” It is unfortunate that things are the way they are but i am willing to do anything it takes to help the current situation over here. BTW i hate the Army hahahaha but i really do love what i do and wouldnt take it back for anything. Also if you ask me i dont see much good coming out of this for anyone but maybe it will prevail in later generations well see. No hate man but shit some peope have it hard here man and if someone were to want to bitch about it i dont think you should jump on them for it. We give up alot to be here and do what we do and hell im not asking anone to lick my balls for it or anythig but i know not everyone likes it the way i do and i certainly wouldnt feel right telling they dont have the right to bitch knowing the shit they have had to do.

Fair enough. No hard feelings? All good?