
Don’t bitch about being in Iraq when you voluntarily joined the military.


Your retarted i love Iraq. My point wasnt that i dont like Iraq it was that people bitch to me about shit that dosent even come close to life here. But nice try.

I lost my arm in vietnam

i have friends and family over there, i dont see why people bitch its hot. rather it be hot then negtive fucking 40.
i respect you and everyone over there for living like you do.

:tup: nice rant


Don’t bitch about being in Iraq when you voluntarily joined the military.


I would also like to point out how dumb this statement is just on the principle of we as people bitch about things that suck even if they are our own choice. If you go buy a new car and it blows up the next day will you not complain i mean you bought it. If you go eat dinner and the food was terrible will you not be upset, you ordered it right. How about if you go nail some chick and you get the clap will you not bitch that she gave you the clap i mean it was your willy you stuck in there. You fail.


i have friends and family over there, i dont see why people bitch its hot. rather it be hot then negtive fucking 40.
i respect you and everyone over there for living like you do.

:tup: nice rant


Thanks and you are right it is a nice dry heat over here and i would take it over winter in B-lo for sure. It got to be alittle much when in full gear in the middle of summer but thats only a few months oher then that its not so bad at all.


Your retarted


sorry, had to lol :smiley:

I will gladly fight to protect your freedom to make fun of my lack there of skill in the English department lol. I really suck and i just took another English class to try to help it i swear. Whats messed up is i got an A but i still suck lol college fails me.

BTW this isnt a come inside and listen to me rant thread more of a free ranting thread so you know if you got something you want to rant about have at it.

Start rant

To the general public, just becuase you got a letter in the mail that says you get free phones doesnt mean you dont pay for anything, we dont just give out free phonse you fucking inbred moran. You sign up for a 2 yr contract, and then AFTER A REBATE youll get your phone for free. If your calling and you dont have a credit or debit card, hang up, drench yourself in gasoline, and walk into traffic with a lit road flare.

End rant

stupid people.

That is all.

i hateee…

that i go to UB, which is gay, parking is ridic, and the one thing i shudnt have to deal with in class is (buried word)… and of course i got the 2 fucking (buried words) that sit behind me and like all of them they are ignorant pieces of shit and i would like to tie them to my muffler and ride in the woods with them. then ill make their half dead bodies dig their own grave and piss on them… and truly bury them. then put a watermelon on the site instead of a rose.

End / Rant


Anger management?

Also of note, the muffler is not a factory tow-point. And may void your warranty.

lol thank you… where do u suggest i drag them from?

If its a honda, running them over 10x times would barely injure them

good point… hell maybe my accord doesnt have enough power to pull them :frowning:

my cbr has a better chance ha

Just git yurselfff a pikemuptruck from the wrent a wreck and use thaaat yall

lemme axe you a question, r theese (buriedword) talking like thees

:cry: Fuck off. I’m working at a steel mill in Indiana. I don’t get to see my wife for 2 weeks. Some days I work 10-12 hours, only to go back to my hotel (that doesn’t have a bar mind you) and be too tired to go to dinner so I eat a salad in my room and drink a glass of wine by myself. Quitcherbitchin. I’m sure you’re making eleventybillion dollars in Iraq.

Seriously though, thanks for being over there so that I can be here doing my thing safely and securely and freely. I personally appreciate it. Thank you.

HAHAH im totally not bitching man i dont mind this place at all. I just thought it was funny the things some people say to me and im like ummm wtf i dont care. Hey thanks for the props on doing what i do. I do love it but i wont lie its nice to get the balls fluffed sometimes you know. Support your troops and get me drunk ill be home in like 8 or 9 days. Oh and BTW tell Marc you want money for getting him some business im meeting with him the 5th.

for buried word, search recent news on NAACP lol