E-Hug in a rant thread


I hate faggots that kiss and make up in a rant thread. Faggots.


OMG FRY just pmed me asking for nudes? WTF

rant/I hate it when people ask me for metal for workout music. I fucking love metal and will not support you whoring of it to get you “pumped” for you weakbody workout/rant

I did not ask you for newds.

I fucking demanded them bitch!


Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!

rant/ I hate the people that think an on ramp is an ok place to to 45 and then merge. One of these days your gonna be eating the front end of my buick being plowed into your douchnozzle endrant/

^Didn’t you lose your license?

Oh yeah:


Fucking shitty ratio of raisins to bran in my raisin bran.


start rant/
I fucking hate people that come into my store (Dibella’s) and sit there for 20 fucking minutes with no god damn clue as to where they are or what they want. ITS A SUB PLACE YOU FUCKTARDS!, look at the menu, pick your fucking food, pay for it, and then get the hell out. AND DONT ASK ME WHERE THE FUCKING STRAWS ARE!!! because they are ALWAYS right in front of your face. Maybe if you had the intelligence of that straw you would be able to navigate yourself to the nearest intersection and stand infront of oncoming traffic, but not, you do NOT have that intelligence. Stupid Dibella’s Customers- YOU FAIL.
/end rant

it may have been posted already, but the best rant ever can be found here…

iu hate how the radio at work broke and i have to listen to the fucking radio at work the fucking cd player broke and i have to fucking LISTEN TO LENNY KRAVITZ FJIUGHUIAGHUIAFHGUILSDFHG


i hate going to sleep


start rant/
afrank hates white people… stop throwing white people around like a frisbee

u fucking buried word. (hypocrite buried word)

end rant/ end life

As long as you don’t actually say “nigger” it doesn’t count, right? :slight_smile:

Exactly… lol

that’s why i didn’t say it… bc people like afrank would get to crying n being “gangster” internet ranters

uh oh

People that type like they are in a rush to hammer out a post, when they clearly are not in any such rush. OMFG


start rant/
afrank hates white people… stop throwing white people around like a frisbee

u fucking buried word. (hypocrite buried word)

end rant/ end life


Lol i think i got under his skin i think that means i offically :rubicant: you:D


As long as you don’t actually say “nigger” it doesn’t count, right? :slight_smile:


clearly he was referring to the other buried word… o wait i dont recall there being any well any way it doesnt matter a charming guy like honda ride would NEVER mean to call me a nigger never…


Exactly… lol

that’s why i didn’t say it… bc people like afrank would get to crying n being “gangster” internet ranters

uh oh


did you really call me an internet ranter i invited you over told you you could call me a nigger till your blue in the face… i dont really see that as being an internet gangster but if you say so.


the sad thing is… ur at home obviously having a good time…on a forum lol

while im on becuz it’s funny as hell to me that people like you actually do this with your time

im at work… making $$ laughing at you



the sad thing is… ur at home obviously having a good time…on a forum lol

while im on becuz it’s funny as hell to me that people like you actually do this with your time

im at work… making $$ laughing at you



HOLY Back Pedal Batman…20 min ago you were all high and mighty laughing at me for being black thinking of all the ways you like to wipe my kind off the face of the earth. Now look at you being a little bitch. O and by the way i forgot to mention before i love white women just ask your mom:hitit:

lol…typical buried word…dumb, ignorant, and broke.

get some “paper” as you call it, “g”

ha ur funny