
start rant/
afrank hates white people… stop throwing white people around like a frisbee

u fucking buried word. (hypocrite buried word)

end rant/ end life


Lol i think i got under his skin i think that means i offically :rubicant: you:D


As long as you don’t actually say “nigger” it doesn’t count, right? :slight_smile:


clearly he was referring to the other buried word… o wait i dont recall there being any well any way it doesnt matter a charming guy like honda ride would NEVER mean to call me a nigger never…


Exactly… lol

that’s why i didn’t say it… bc people like afrank would get to crying n being “gangster” internet ranters

uh oh


did you really call me an internet ranter i invited you over told you you could call me a nigger till your blue in the face… i dont really see that as being an internet gangster but if you say so.
