Now if you had said Beretta’s rule, I would have tracked you down and tied you to my Bradley and driven in sector for a bit.

:wink: Yeah, I’m not bitching about here… now that it has setteled down a bit for us it isnt that bad. I have a bed, a DVD player, and my iPod. Plus a shit tastic gym to visit every morning.

[rant] Beretta’s blow [/rant]

Yo man where are you at because im over at Taji and it has gotten SOOOO much better here in the last 3-4months as far as attacks and calls(QRF FTL). I get to spend more time on NYSPEED in an office. Man if they keep improving at this rate im just going to stay here forever.

rant/people who dont let the guys opinion of his beretta hold because they think their opinion is better then his/rent
I feel for you man i drive an F-body but atleast its fast woot.


An area near Salman Pak, SE of Baghdad.

Theres plenty of action, just less than before. I have, minimum, 1 6 hour patroll/ mission a day, most days have 2. I drive for my CO now. Used to be a rifleman in my 1st platoon till I got “hurt”

Word i was at Liberty do snky detainee operations for some time untill we got blown up and I lost two guys in the attack. They then sent me to Taji where i am doing QRF which is a sweet ass gig if you ask me. I mean im not sure if you have done it but we basically just sit on the internet untill we get a call lol. I miss the snky kidnappings though they were the shit.

Welll… we just got our MWR set up like last month here on the COPs. most guys rotate to the FOB like every couple weeks, but I’m here all the time. I’ve definitely done my share of QRF, believe me.

Yea see it sucks man guys like you that stay at the COPs get shafted. Over on the FOBs like where i am especially since activity went down we have sooooo many people to disperse any work/missions/calls. QRF is the shit here because we have like 5 teams on call im serious and we rotate calls thats how many people we have here. I actually had to do alot of work at one point but like two months ago 2ID showed up out of nowhere so WTF ill just hang out and go to my 1-2 suspected IED calls per day or whatever. But shit i had enough my first 4 months here so im down for coasting the rest of the way.