Not far. The water is at a stand still pretty much. Freek hows that .308 ? Maybe I’ll pick up a case of thermite?
Oh sorry, you said Beaver.
Setup a trap to catch the beaver and relocate it somewhere far away. Then slowly at night tear the dam apart some.
I’m only going to make a small hole so its not super obvious. 2 years ago we just went with boats and chain saws. lol
---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------
Thats a 12 ft flat bottom, and Im standing on the dam taking the picture.
You hate animals.
That’s a much larger dam than I was picturing in my head.
LOL that is not a dam, it is a palace for the King Beaver. He even has a boat!
Ditto. My vote is back to black jumpsuit and middle of the night boom goes the dynamite. Or just shoot it with something freek owns, or can get.
Yea, its not small see why I’m having some ploblems? lol
Only when it’s a fucking dog that’s at my house all the time that doesn’t belong to me and won’t stop fucking barking. Anyway, I digress.
The size of it really makes me think your only option is going through the DEC. Anything big enough to blow that apart is probably going to fall under ATF investigation and before you know it knocking down a beaver dam is going to get you locked up in Guantanamo with domestic terrorism charges. :lol:
Don’t eat the cock meat sandwich…
We will see about that. The water is at a stand still, I can kayak down stream then kayak back up a few nights.
You should kayak down every night and slowly take pieces away. Take it down just like they built it.
^lol, this is going to take foreverrrr
Hire a beaver to build a Dam elsewhere and use the current Dam for materials.
Build a dam to out dam their dam.
You remodel homes? How much would it cost to re do a beaver dam ?
dig a trench around the dam
Buy a pump and divert the water into your neighbors backyard.