Rather odd question about land/ creek.


use fill to make a narrower area to cross on your land and build a simple bridge?

A simple bridge? Its not a lawn mower man its a tractor.

My irrigation pump is a little nosiy.

What if I float a 3ft round pipe down stream and make a hole ??

I’m picturing those bridges people use to cross deep ditches at the end of driveways. you’ve got a tractor so filling won’t be a problem.

Not if it is tanerite. :slight_smile:

100% legal no matter the quantity.

hollow out a section in the middle big enough for a 55gallon drum. Fill with mixed tanerite and have someone you know with a .308 sit about 500 yards back and fire one shot at the drum.


Dammit I had a long response that I accidentally.

Plant some pot plants in the hippies back yard… wait for the ground to settle … call the DEA so the DEC won’t bother you while you take care of business.

Get a couple 5 gal buckets of termites and dump them on there?
Just make sure your yard/house is all termite proofed up… they’ll probably be pretty hungry after that :stuck_out_tongue:

Beavers are fucking nasty if you mess with their shit.

Its about a mile or so down stream.
More complications - land owner of one side is tree hugging hippies.
Land owner on the other side is some fat guy that just owns the feild and has no idea its there.
Do I just chain and tractor from that side and drop the beavers down there chimney?


How do you plan on poking a couple foot hole through something like that?

Like this…

I think that qualifies as a win.

The best story involving tannerite has to be the guy out in Minnesota or Michigan that actually did fill a 55 gal drum of it and set it off in the back of a dump truck bed. It shook the ground hard enough to set off the seismic alarms at a nuke plant several miles away. lol

gas + matches = It wasn’t you.