Razor Knife Incident

As Walter already mentioned and my own experiences, that while not always required, stitches do help wounds heal much faster. If you work with your hands everyday, getting wounds healed up as fast as possible is always my top priority. Staving off infection is pretty important as well.

It’s neat when you do it to the inside part of the finger. There’s a line on my index finger where the fingerprints don’t line up properly.

yeah my pinky has the weird fingerprint overlap from a nice slice…actually I think that was some time ago getting razor knife blades out of the 100 blade dispenser…not a good track record with those…don’t think I’m going to change to shaving with double or single razors anytime soon.


wrd, some newb at the pizza place i work at put a huge freaking butcher knife in a sink full of dishes and soapy water a few years back… cut me about as deep, but on the bottom, soft side of my thumb… that chunk is still kind of numb heh

the wound is all sealed up, and the nail was dangling last night, so I pulled it.

well at least you wont have to worry about trimming that nail for awhile… lol

glad to see its healing well though, any loss of feeling?

at first I thought i had lost feeling, or was loosing it, but it was just a hard out layer of skin covering a softer newer layer that is just fine. Maybe just the very tip if any loss.

You should have filled an accident report out at work for this. Where is your place of employment?

Did you eat the nail?

where do I get these forms, I’ve documented it myself the best I can and have notified my boss. I don’t exactly work in a cubicle and can go the copy room haha


There is quite a bit of paperwork, when I did my finger, I ended up in the ER about 9PM, they actually said if I didn’t take a drug test then my claim would probably be rejected (if I made one) because they couldn’t get a hold of my boss and get him to waive it.

My admin did most of it for me, but if you’re all healed now, and didn’t miss any work, there probably isn’t much benefit in doing any of the paperwork, esp. since you didn’t go to the doctor.

thats what I figured.