RB20 240 running from the cops.

Dunno if it’s a repost buut…

LOL@ the cop “white ford probe”

Nice find… Cop throws the skinny white kid to the ground, little intense there. Kid prob pissed himself.

Bahaha cop must be blind or something the kid wasn’t moving. lmao

see, thats why you need an rb25/6

i dunno…that must be in the states…u think the would pull guns and toss u around here for that…cause i think runnning from the cops could be fun…like manhunt or something

lmao u would get fucked up from the cops no matter what state/province u run in. U run= them having hte athority to kick ur ass to the ground.

shitty…so i guess i better actually get away

wheres the probe? The cop car is a crown vic. He could have gotten away pretty easy but he ran out of gas hahaha


ughhh bad memories


If you piss off an officer
he WILL approach with weapon drawn
and he will yank you from your car

Always show respect.

those crown vics ? supercharged ? def. hear something there thats not stock


Originally Posted by Sasha (SG)
Shit that made me famous


This is why I have a seperate toggle switch that turns off my tail lights and brakes lights when ever I want… Had that guy done the same under the darkness of night where there is no street lights he would of confused the cop and he would of gotten away.
At one point the cop wasn’t sure which way he turned but then he spoted the tail lights and continued to pursuit him…If only that guy had spent that extra $2.00 and an extra half hour on his 240sx he could of saved him self a lot of trouble!

dude i posted this like back in september


those crown vic’s are def. not stock.

Good attempt, too bad he got caught though.

not trying to break your balls but crown vic is pretty damn fast. “I WAS TOLD” 05 gixxer 750 witn +10 in the back was running from it and that undi with califonia old school style sunglass in greyish coloured crown vic was right on his ass.

so yeah… unless you got that turning locked down i dont think you would of got away even if you had rb30 in your 240…

ps: +10 on sprocket makes more torque but waste your gears quick…

but stock bike would get away from it " I WAS TOLD" :smiley:

Just needed a pit stop for some fuel :slight_smile:

stock 600’s get away easy :slight_smile:

My friend has a ex cop car with police package. They are quick but defintely easy to get away from. They handle like piss. Problem was the guy in the 240 wasnt driving fast enough

my bad i should of said 50cc 3 speed with stock muff could get way from it “I WAS TOLD” :smiley: