RC Car racing... Who wants to run with us???

ya well i doubt there would be any difference noticable

i was more curious about being able to run leaner and still having a good lubrication factor…

ya i know that will end up in the quotes of honor. :lol

ahahah well now that you said that…

dam pretty much everything the guy at the lhs told me was wrong. i just check it out on the web site that thing is pretty sick.


looks good ! I’m more of an HPI guy myself, but traxxas never bothered me

I had a t-maxx 6 years ago or so… I miss it.

Why did you sell it? They are great bang for the buck as long as you don’t lose your head and start replacing everything.

Are we meeting at CrossGates again this Sunday?

I’m not sure about the bang for the buck thing :stuck_out_tongue: hahah but yea as long as you dont loose your head liek 98% of people in the hobby you should be ok

go the evo and lost interest. Sold it to Wayne64SS

do you guys have any pics of your cars? i dont want to waste money on the hobby, but i’d like to see what kind of setups you have. i use to be all about rc cars when i was younger

just come when they all meet up, unless your at work or something

i just want to see what these cars looks like, i had regular slow rc cars, never anything too fast, although i was pretty good at driving them



haha… thanks i could googled RC cars myself :lol

ya thats why i left the raw google search link :stuck_out_tongue: it kinda pwn’ed you

I have been out for a while… work shifts changed, saved money and bought a new bike, and I am closing on my house on the 7th… so this weekend may or may not work for me… I really wont know untill sat or sunday morning. Who is down for sure… if there will be someone going, I will make a much better effort to show up! lol.

I have not messed with the on road set up since 2 weeks ago… It is a 4wd 10th nitro. It wont drive right. If you hold a steady turn it will swerve back and forth. It seems like one of the 3 diffs are loading and un loading loading and unloading. I took the belt off and ran rwd only and I coulnt even launch it straight… the rear dif just un loads. I think I need to take it a apart and add stiffer fluid to it.

I will bring my 1/8th scale thought, just gota throw a new glow plug in it and it will be good to go.

well same here i’l come to watch and w/e if ANYONE actually shows up…

i was having the same prob. put some 30 in and it helped. i’m sure the front is due to now. always sumthing. maybe i’ll try to get truck back togther and show. not much of a road vehicle but still fun to brake shit. hopefully i can find one lhs open to get sum fuel.?

Heres a few pics of my current RS4-2 and my Racer-2 I am building now.



The Racer 2:
Complete carbon fiber upper chassis
Front CF body post support
4.3mm custom lower chassis
2 speed trans
aluminum f+r shock towers
aluminum rear hub carriers
All 4 CV drive shafts
front and side belt tensionors
JR XR2i radio system






You guys want to organize another one?

I still haven’t ran my car as it needs proper tuning.