Rcmp undercover in Leduc

Just a heads up Leduc Rcmp have a new vehicle they have been using to target speeders and racing in Leduc. Its a Black early 2000’s Gmc Sierra with Sask Plates. I watched them nab like 8 people last night with this set up. They pull up beside you and rev the engine and when you take off your done.

lol i got caught on Canada Day 2006 doing that. Some ass in a GMC truck came up beside me and did a burnout. I was WTF so I rip it off the line and cop pulled up right beside me. Said that’s how they were getting people. Didn’t give me a ticket which was cool.


So now cops are baiting people?! That is fucking low. So what if you roll up to this douche bag, he revs, you give him the finger? Will he give you a ticket for assaulting an officer or something? This is getting stupid.

I agree. Whats next? They start a fight with you at the bar then arrest you for assaulting an officer?

They have done shit like this before they used to have about 3 cars that the head lights were switched seperate from each other. They would roam 2A and other 2 lane secondaries around here with one light cause most people would believe that police cars are properly maintained and when you didnt slow down at night. they would switch it back on, whip around, and ticket you.

Sounds like entrapment to me lol

lo… sounds like you guys are getting ricer tickets more than anything …

How does anything in this post refer to getting ricer tickets???

It is and I bet you you can get out of that. I will find the post where I beilieve a senario was like this was posted on another site. As far as I knew what they are doing is illegal/unethical.

You’re comment makes no sense!

I’d say that tactic is skirting awfully close to entrapment.

**Edit: Ok, according to wikipedia it IS entrapment.

The Supreme Court of Canada developed the Canadian version of the doctrine of entrapment in three major decisions: R. v. Amato, [1982] 2 S.C.R. 418, R. v. Mack, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 903, and R. v. Barnes, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 449. There are two different forms of entrapment in Canadian law.

The first type of entrapment, “random virtue testing”, occurs when the police offer an individual the opportunity to commit a crime without reasonable suspicion that either that individual, or the place where that individual is located, is associated with the criminal activity under investigation.

If police do have such a reasonable suspicion, they are still limited to providing only an opportunity to commit the offence. The second form of entrapment occurs when the police go beyond merely providing an opportunity to commit an offence, and instead actually induce the commission of the offence. Some factors a court may consider when deciding whether police have induced the offence include the type of crime being investigated, whether an average person would have been induced, the persistence and number of attempts made by the police, the type of inducement used (e.g. fraud, deceit, reward), and the existence of express or implied threats.

The question of entrapment is only considered after there has been a finding of guilt. If, after finding the accused guilty, the court determines that the accused was entrapped, the court will enter a judicial stay of proceedings. In effect, this is similar to an acquittal.

If anyone chose to claim they were entrapped through this method I suspect the lynch pin would be whether or not the police had “reasonable suspicion”.

Thanks!. I forgot to reply to this post and post that info. LOL

Wow, they’re compromising road safety (disabled headlight) all in the name of writing more tickets.
