RDP issues

quick question. im trying to remote to a computer from my laptop. RDP comes up fine but when i go to play sound it stays at the remote computer and is not brought to the laptop. the “bring sound to computer” is checked but still stays at the remote computer. can anyone give their 2cents

Is it on the same network?

yes. no changes in the sound option affect anything… its weird. even if i have “do not play sound” on it still plays at the remote computer. any ideas?

edit: i guess winamp is the issue… when i play music in windows media player it gets sent to the laptop. i dont get how it would be application dependant

Watching porn remotely? Co-workers might notice those sounds…

^^ haha nah. trying to play music on my deck remotely from my desktop upstairs :smiley:

got any roommates u wanna fuck with?

put on porn, crank the volume

Why not file share…

The sound quality that comes through is pretty crappy

RDP was not really designed to stream music…

it will be uber compressed