Ready for a per-mile gas tax?

Do you really think that they are going to drop the 18.4 cent/gal tax or throw another tax on top of that?

I think with as partisan as the country is they’re never going to be able to add it on top of the 18.4 cent/gal. The proof is in Obama reversing his anti-drilling stance. Gas prices are a HUGE voter issue. They’ll have to do something as these higher and higher MPG regs continue cutting into the taxes that fund highway budgets.

this is not cool. just my daily driver i average about 22k miles a year.

yeah I do 20k miles per year. DO NOT WANT.

Plus, NC already taxes my car yearly.

Not a completely feasible argument, but how would it work for people who track their cars and drive them on the streets? Technically you would be paying for miles driven off road… Same goes for “mudding” or “offroading” drivers.

I’m sure if this passes I will magically go from driving 35,000 a year to 5,000 a year. :wink:


Same thing that happens now. You’re paying 18.4/cents a gallon for gas regardless of how much you use the roads. A mileage tax would be more fair though because all your gas powered stuff that doesn’t use the roads (boats, snowmobiles, lawn mowers etc) wouldn’t be getting hit with a highway tax via gasoline purchase.

It would be interesting to see how they plan on dealing with odometer fraud. If you get away from the odometer and move to GPS it raises a whole lot of privacy issues.

true, that is a good point.

edit: So far I like the idea of this new tax, but only if they remove the gas one.

So they charge you the tax every year when you take it in for inspection after looking at the mileage difference?

If this takes place… Guess its time to break the odometer. lol 26k a year, I think thats bullshit. Lets find another way to tax the shit out of us here in NY even though its for all of the US.

By the way, several states already do this for semi trucks. Oregon charges a per mile rate for truckers to drive in and through the state.

If they tax you based on your car and how it affects the roads… it seems like a good idea to me for some reason… your paying for what you use, whereas with what JayS is saying you are paying for the roads to be repaired by riding a snowmobile or using a boat, which makes no sense…

edit: theoretically wouldn’t this help reduce overcrowding the streets too? People will only drive if they have to… which sucks for “enthusiasts” and motorcycles… but isn’t that considered a luxury anyway? So its basically a luxury tax.

ugh i drive ~25-30k /yr

This is the kind of shit that will destroy our hobby in the long run. I don’t agree with it at all.

So if they were to do this by recording your mileage everytime you go for an inspection, what do people that cheat the system with getting inspection stickers going to do when they have a car registered and not getting mileage checked out. Isnt that tax fraud?

but isn’t a hobby a luxury? So shouldn’t you pay more for luxury items?

You could make that same argument for the per gallon tax though. You’re still paying more tax the more you drive. The root of the problem is people aren’t driving less, they’re just driving more efficient cars. So if every year your drive 12k miles but every couple of years your average MPG goes up you pay less and less tax. They’re looking for a way to collect the same tax for those 12k miles, regardless of you getting 10mpg or 50mpg. Since the whole point of the gasoline tax is a highway use tax it makes sense that it should be per mile not per gallon.

Not really, because like you just said I can drive the same since my car uses less gas. If this new tax was implemented then wouldn’t it theoretically reduce overcrowding the streets? because if I drive my car regardless if its a Viper or a Prius I am still paying extra money to drive it.

edit: I think we are saying the same thing in different ways.

Wasnt the purpose of them making a regulation for automakers to produce a mpg average to reduce the cost for people and how much they were paying, and to limit the amount of oil used.

Well them doing this sort of canceled out and seems to be a hypicritical move. since now your paying less on the gas which was the purpose, they will now make you pay per mile so in the long run its making you pay back toward the same amount.

granted, I could be talking out my ass seeing as I dont know the tax % they are looking and how it would calculate.

Read the article… they would tax you based on your vehicle make and model. So if you drive a heavy ass truck you pay more. If you drive a miata, you pay less. Also you are using the roads when you put miles on your car. Thus damaging the roads. Currently the money taken out of the gas tax is used to repair the roads. Leaf drivers for example, drive on the roads for free and pay no maintenance. This is not fair.

Yes a hobby can be considered a luxury. I personally do not believe you should have to pay more for it though. It’s kind of besides the point I suppose though considering that this law would effect a lot more than just hobbyists.

Yeah but not everyone drives gas efficient vehicles. I realize that you pay more tax the more you drive, however it seems like this article is saying that they could implement this new tax on top of the gasoline tax (potentially).

I just don’t see this going down a great road. People will try and get around this with odometer rollbacks and it could lead to GPS tracking for enforcement like you said. I am just really not fond of this idea whatsoever.