Real Big...

new TV is always fun

Buy newman an assault rifle color matched to his grillz…

man hes the blackest mofo i know…

god i hate you.

dan, i was kidding. <3

house real big?
car real big?
just do big things.

I say you go with the flow “like that, buy that”

Have your Rotas dipped in 24K gold. That’s not tacky at all.

Then you need to paint your calipers Burberry:

^ silly VW guys

That is a jetta right?


<3 ya too

24’s ride that.
ladeez gentlemen

gangstas pimps

bitches hoes

stunnas, shinahs

And yes that is a VW. Some MK4 person. Probably another 1.8t knob.

I don’t mean to knock the few decent 1.8t people out there, but one trip to Waterfest and you will hate them and their stupid scene.

that’s got to be the most fly thing i have ever seen.

man, i can’t imagine how i’d feel after leaving there… it would probably be in a paddywagon.

leaving waterfest, and seeing tornado red mk4s made me want to punch babies.

i almost bought a tornado red mkIV wolfsburg…


It’s not everybody, just the 1.8t people for the most part. Most of them have Gotti hair, and drive to shows with their front bumpers covered in blue masking tape to protect their precious overpriced rieger front bumpers from stone chips. They also love to run BOVs with no recirculation setup, which is a great way to make your 1.8t run like shit.

The old school people on the other hand tend to be the coolest people you will ever meet. They are typically and love to chill and talk about their cars. Unfortunately, they are getting fewer and fewer at Waterfest with each passing year. Perhaps I am getting a little burnt out on the show. This Summer was my 5th consecutive year.

Sorry for taking Jay’s foolish ways to spend money thread off topic. I just wanted to vent a little.

Perhaps you should sprinkle diamonds in your food. Make your Dookie twankle.


Hey hey hey! I resemble that comment! :stuck_out_tongue:

do you like scotch

because if you do i know of a nice bottle you can get for $2500
