real life david vs. goliath

best of luck to that kid. I hope it leads to more people standing up to the RIAA


i hope he takes them all down HARD

Seems like he’s done his research too.


Good luck to him. RIAA punishing kids to the tune of 10’s of thousands of dollars prevents them from being able to afford college. That is one of the worst things that could happen to our country’s long term future.

The record industry has suffered enormously due to piracy. That includes thousands of layoffs

I love that. Ya they had thousands of layoffs, yet im sure the assholes on top are still making millions every year. If they gave a fuck about anything other then their own pocket they would take a pay cut to help prevent the thousands of layoffs.

Hah, i read about that in the local paper, white plains is 5 minutes from my house

Howie I will give you $50 to find that kid and shake his hand for me. lol.