Really good read on gas prices, and why there were high (NOT MEDIA BS)

CNN Interview with the publisher of the Lundberg Survey, the survey most news agencies pick only a portion pf and then distort it when they report to us.

I especially love their take on ethanol.

well, you’ve got my attention. i’ll read it :slight_smile:

Sure, the whole interview was printed.

But extremely biased. I think it’s quite naive to deny global warmings existance and impacts.

I was just about to post this. :tup:

I was totally for the use of ethanol until i read something a bit back. With ethanol being used so much the cost of corn has gone up… making the cost of feeding cows and other farm animals go up… making the cost of milk , cheese ( pizza!!!) and meat go up.

Either you pay for it in one place or another… and with the price of pizza skyrocketing like it has been i think id rather see the corn go to the cows then my gas tank

:word: It doesnt seem to matter what it is in our society. If something comes along “cheaper” “better”, whatever…something else suffers. Always.

Regardless of her stance on global warming, what she really does know is gasoline and what affects it’s price.

We were just talking about how gasoline will become the next major import for the US since we refuse to allow the oil companies to build any new refineries. Other countries are building them like crazy, and before you know it we’re going to be dependent on foreign oil AND GAS.

And yeah, ethanol has really done a lot more harm to our economy than it has done good, but that isn’t stopping the politicians from still thinking it’s the miracle cure. Just listen to the local idiot politicians when they talk about putting an ethanol plant in WNY. They think it will make WNY part of the world saving ethanol revolution. Morons.

i dont really care about the price of milk. but when corn production affects the price of beer & tequilla. that shit i cant stand.

it’s a documentary countering a lot of claims/theory’s on global warming.