Really Weird

My business partner has a 2008 Subaru WRX, which he usually leaves here at the office. He will drive his VR4 to work most days. Well last night, he drops off the VR4 and picks up the WRX. He goes home, locks the car and goes to sleep.

This morning he woke up. Went outside to unlock his car and the key fob wouldn’t work. All of a sudden his next door neighbors Santa Fe, starts up. Key Fob still not working for the WRX. So he manually unlocks it, goes to work. Key FOB works fine all day. Gets home, locks the car up. Forgot that he left something in the car. Goes back outside, try the FOB again, wouldn’t work. All of a sudden his neighbors car starts up again.

We narrowed it down to his neighbors car is stealing his FOB for the remote car starter they have. As long as his neighbors car is near his Subaru, he can’t use his key FOB without starting his neighbors car. Weird.


Paranormal Activities yO!?

That’s pretty damn funny.

lol hyundai WIN.

haha i would like to see neighbors reaction to their car starting/running

Haha weird!

“He is going over to have a chat with the neighbor this evening.”


Haha, that’s pretty good.

Our garage door opener used to do that. Whenever I would hit the “door 2” button on the remote, my neighbor across the street’s door would open up. :lol

Wierd, one thing that confuses me is why the global signal sent out by the key fob, only goes to the neighbors car, I understand if both worked, but one leaves me pondering.

Funny either way.

Cunningham ?

Theres your chance chris !!!

I call Seconds !

Sounds like the key fob is code hopping and it’s somehow the same code as the neighbors car :lol

Factory keyless systems FTL

:rofl that is pretty weird/funny

no, more like hack job install on the remote starter. I dont think any Santa Fe’s come with factory remote starters. I know my mom’s didnt.

After seeing a few aftermarket ones installed I will never get one installed.

The wiring for the remote starter in my sister inlaws car is horrible- wires and connectors everywhere and she didnt have brake lights at one point this past summer because of the wiring being fucked up. Looking under the dash its pretty obvious it was a shitty install and it was at a place that specializes in remote starters.

Haha, yeah the Cunninghams.

Sam isn’t my type though, unfortunately. :frowning:

Dear god… your list of negative stories is just outrageous. One person you know had a bad experience… all remote starters are poorly installed and bad.

WRX story is awesome though.

Thats hilarious!

good story

I see your in Queensbury. What color Suby does he drive?

Not just one car- several and most of them were done at different places.