rear brake locks up...

Its only the rear driver side brake that locks up. No idea why. Does it need to be adjusted or something? It only happens bad when its wet out. I dont want this to happen in winter so I wanna get this taken care of asap. It’s sooo not safe. Truck has ABS but the person I baught it from took out the abs fuse because the tire was studdering instead of locking up. So now when it rains and I hit the brakes the rear driver side brake locks. :gotme:

ABS sensor getting wet & freaking out?

Mine do that in the rear too, only after it sits overnight and the drums get rusty and get too much friction.

is this right when you start driving or all the time


Mine do that in the rear too, only after it sits overnight and the drums get rusty and get too much friction.

is this right when you start driving or all the time


when I start driving its the worst but still does it, just nowhere near as bad.

Is it only at low speeds or higher speeds when there is more rolling momentum

lower speeds are the worst. Like when I slow down for a stop sign its fine till like 20 pmh then locks up as I slow down.

did they do brake lines on it? front to rear? if so i bet they screwed up the position of the lines

This must have just started?
Neither of you should be under the hood of anything.
ABS shouldn’t lock up your tires, thats what ABS is there to prevent.

I can’t believe you already fucked it up. Wow.

Assuming you have drums in the back, it sounds like they aren’t adjusted properly. It is common for drums that aren’t adjusted enough to lock.

I would jack the rear up, and spin the rear tires to see if the drums are dragging just a little bit. if they are not, I would take them off clean them out and adjust them accordingly.


Assuming you have drums in the back, it sounds like they aren’t adjusted properly. It is common for drums that aren’t adjusted enough to lock.

I would jack the rear up, and spin the rear tires to see if the drums are dragging just a little bit. if they are not, I would take them off clean them out and adjust them accordingly.


Bing-o was his name-o

same thing with my 04 dakota. the back driver side wheel locks up real easily while going slow. the problem isn’t really bad when i’m going faster, or after i’ve been driving for a while.

also, don’t drum brakes rely on you using them while backing up? don’t they adjust themselves for wear when you back up?

if this just started i’d go with a leaking wheel cylinder or a axle seal leaking onto the shoes and causing a lock up condition.


Bing-o was his name-o




This must have just started?
Neither of you should be under the hood of anything.
ABS shouldn’t lock up your tires, thats what ABS is there to prevent.

I can’t believe you already fucked it up. Wow.


Umm Tim told me about it when I baught the truck…so yeah, I never fucked anything up. Learn the facts before you blame me for something.


Umm Tim told me about it when I baught the truck…so yeah, I never fucked anything up. Learn the facts before you blame me for something.


well maybe he is just going on your past experiences with cars

Who the fuck says BAUGHT. Doesn’t that look a bit wrong to you? Doesn’t it kick up a question in to your mind…maybe wondering why you’ve never really seen a word spelled quite like that before. Maybe??

Are you ever going to buy something normal with out some serious issue…

Working on this will also result in some serious injury that will impact your life…followed by some thread on here ranting about it.

Year, Make, Model of truck?


well maybe he is just going on your past experiences with cars


I’m, going on the fact that I drove the truck before he bought it, many times, in all conditions, and never had any problems. I drove it a couple days before he bought it.

Maybe he doesn’t know how to stop… maybe he doesn’t know how to drive stick… there are a lot of variables. One thing I do know, is the last couple times I drove the truck there was nothing wrong with the brakes.

I asked a question that went unanswered. Did it just start. I assumed you broke it because you suck with everything automotive, and when I drove the truck it was fine. If it was happening before you bought it, you must be doing something differently than I was doing less than a month ago.

Seems pretty reasonable to me.

You didn’t mention it to me a couple days ago when you were over either… so it must have started… umm, on your way home?

I still think you fucked it up. :slight_smile:

My Ranger used to do this, usually after it sat for a while in the wet.

Finally took the rear drums apart, put new shoes on, cleaned everything up and adjusted it properly. Never happened again. I hate drum brakes.