Rear Brake Piston?!?!

Hey guys,

Yet another problem has come up. I decided to save some money and install my own rotors/pads, that I bought earlier this week. I’m in the middle of install the rear left rotor and pads, and I need to compress the piston. I’ve done research and I’ve tried both, compressing it with a ‘C Clamp’, and turning it clockwise with needle nose pliers, I’ve turned at least if not more, 25 full rotations. It won’t budge! I have the E-brake off, and the the cap off the brake fluid reservoir. Heres a picture of the piston. Is it supposed to be this far out? Do you think it could be seized?

Thanks alot,


It may be too far out to catch the threads for the ebrake part of it.
The clamp might not be working due to the piston being cocked on an angle. Look at it and see if it’s straight or not. try straightening it out, then use the clamp again untill it stops then spin it with the pliers.

Hope this helps.


Thanks man I’ll give it a shot! How do I know if the piston is seized?

The piston looks straight. I’ve tried to clamp it and it won’t move any further… It spins clockwise, but no matter how many times I spin it, it still doesn’t move. The only thing that is making the piston move even the slightest bit right now is when I pull the E-brake up, it pushes the piston out. When I put the E-brake back down it goes back to where it is now. I’m clueless…

Well I finally got it! I wasn’t expecting to have to put that much pressure on it while rotating the piston. It didn’t help trying to get needle nose pliers in the grooves on the piston with a giant C Clamp in the way either… But hey! All is done, I learned something, and I appreciate the help guys!

Thanks again!