Rear Coupe Window Shattered

im on my way to my work, its about 630 and 7 or 8 degrees. i left my place at 630 and turned on my defogger. next thing i know about like 5 minutes later i hear this HUGE pop noise i honestly thought someone was shooting at me. i look in the rear view and my window is shattered all over. no particular starting point every crack is roughly the same size.
how the heck did this happen?
i got a coupe, was parked outside at night, tinted dark as hell…i dunno what happened? anybody?

well now i need a new rear view, any good sugestions?? would APPLE AUTO GLASS be able to fix this? anyone got any other places?

damn dude

like 2 weeks ago i chucked a mint rear window…for coupe!

kno where i could get a next one?

FS part out threads…

try daddy_rim or something along those lines, he’s in bracebridge, but may still have one.

thats fucked up man, a friend of mine with a s12 had his rear glass blow outwords, i dont know why. somethin gabout cabin pressure i think, cold to hot.
good luck finding one im sure it wont be that hard