after i put my new QA1 shocks on…the car seems to lean towards the right a lil bit…parked on flat ground…with them on the setting of three…its really noticable…soo then i jacked the rear up…and nothing seems wrong…the springs are seated right…and then i put the shocks on 6…and it raised it a lil bit(not as noticable) but still sagging to the right…i do have two different tires…but they r the same size…i got a flat in oc last summer…soo i had to buy a new tire…soo the thread on the right is higher…which doesnt make sense…u would think the right would sit higher??? :dunno: …any with info please help…thanks soo much
r the top of the shocks in correct???
i havent doubled checked that yet…that might be it…i will check that today…do u think anything else??oh ya i got rid of that shift firmness thing on the power progrmaer…and wow…did that work…no more tranny prob.s…i hope…wierd…it fells a lil faster…idk…