Rear Ended.

Some shithead hit me at about 35-40 tonight. The rear bumper is bent in directly in the center. The damage continues into my spare wheel well, where the impact broke the sounds deadening material in my tunk and left the frame pushed in maybe 2 inches in the center. It is almost completely invisible from the outside, but when I pop the trunk, its obvious that it is pretty bad. Any ideas on costs? Suggestions on where to go? BTW: It was a hit and run, and I filed a report with the UB Campus Police…

ehh… If you are paying for it then Im guessing aroud $1500. If insurance pays then maybe more like $2200. My buddy got nailed in the rear. The insurance co quoted for the back section of the car to be cut off and another grafted on. Fags at dealer pulled the damage out.

It depends how bad it is but its going to have to go on a frame machine. Thats $100 to hook up and about $80 per hour. It takes several hours to set up and pull a car.

first off, do yourself a favor and see if there is a license plate imprint on your bumper, a mirror is helpful for reading imprinted license numbers

second, this sort of damage can vary widely in price, if all the damage is in the center and the framerails are fine, a sledge hammer and then some crafty hammer/dolly work can repair the center sheet metal to the point that a few heavy coats of undercoating hide the damage from anyone who doesnt know its there

if the framerails are screwed, your looking at a minimum of $500 for frame repairs

obviously then you add in a new rear STEEL bumper, repair or replace the bumper cover, and then prolly 250 for the paint on the bumper

you can always bring it over here and i can give you an idea of which route youll have to go with repairs

Will your insurance cover the damage ?

Oh yeah, I have everyhting in my insurance, so thats not an issue. I jsut dont want to shell out $500 for a deductible, then end up paying an extra $500 a year for the next 5 years… I THINK that the rails are ok, it didnt look like the damage extended to them. I am going to take it over to Autobahn Body Werks… My friends Uncle runs the place, he said he will try to work something out if it comes to that.

wow, how’d you get hit by someone going that fast, and they were able to pull away?

shit, I dont know. My car was parked! All I heard was “VROOOOOMMMM” “SMASH!!!” “Car starts” “VROOOOMMM”!!

Then I walked over to my car, never seeing who hit it, and there it is. I got one estimate just now, $1200. I am getting another one in about 30 minutes just to check. Can you believe I am excited about a bill “Only” being $1200? Now THATS sad.

:-/… $4200 now. Without any cosmetic work. $4200 to weld on a new rear end. Just called my insurance company… looks bad. I really hope this isnt totaled. If it is, zero, I might be buying your hatch.

holy crap dude. someone hit your car parked? and hard enough to total it? :tdown:

yup. If the insurance declares it totaled, I might buy it back and part out… Most of the body is fine, the doors are great, sunroof, hood, motor, auto tranny, wheels, suspension, interior… all that goos stuff.