Reason #3252541241 Why Banks Suck Ass


When over the phone is said no pending transactions/everything had posted. That was not her fault no matter how you put it.


You obviously have no clue how banking computer systems work. Those checks were held in a batch, that had not processed yet. They are not real time transactions. There is no way for the phone system to know they even existed. And it’s not just checks. Most large institutions handle all transactions in a batch mode.

AKA, girlfriend needs to learn to balance a checkbook. Watching your recent transactions is a good idea to catch fraud/mistakes, but it will never be a good way to track your current balance.

^^ I know how banking works, and their computer posting, etc. What the problem was she can listen to her last 5 posted transactions, and they were the last 5 she made, so from the operator on the phone claimed they had already taken those 5 transactions out and a balance of ~200. However, the operator was wrong and the next day those transactions removed ~200 and she went over.

Either way, yeah she needed to know exactly how much was there, but the phone system still fucked her over by saying she was ok to spend some.

Hence why I told her now to never trust a phone system, or even calling in, but to have online banking to see transactions in real time.

who uses the phone to check bank accounts… show her the internet

^^ Her M&T account wouldn’t allow her to access it online. Trust me I tried numerous times, and the pin to login never would get sent, their tech support and in person support always said oh no problem we’ll send the pin out, and it never came.

Depending on the where you use your CC and how they process it the charges may not show up on your account for 1-3 days…All depends what time of day the store batches their transactions.

ach transactions take 2 days. doesn’t matter what bank


^^ I know how banking works, and their computer posting, etc.


No, you don’t. :wink:

If you did, you’d know that no one but the guy who runs the batch knows about the batch transactions until the batch has been run. That includes the phone system, and even the live operator. All that operator sees is the same transactions you see when you call the 800 number or go online.

i know im asking for it by saying this, but i have an bank account for one purpose: to cash my checks. i keep the minimum balance of like $15 or something in there, and deal everything else in cash. that way, if i dont have it, i dont have it. ive done the whole debit card thing before, and overdrew the account way way too many times because i couldnt keep track of what i had in there. so, as i said, by keeping everything in cash, i either have it or i dont, no questions asked.

^ Well, at least you recognize you have no financial self control or basic accounting skills.


That was not her fault no matter how you put it.
… not having a better way to manage her account



Tell her ass to go back to home ec. or something.


No, you don’t. :wink:

If you did, you’d know that no one but the guy who runs the batch knows about the batch transactions until the batch has been run. That includes the phone system, and even the live operator. All that operator sees is the same transactions you see when you call the 800 number or go online.


I am on top of my banking, whether the batch has run or not, I know what my balance is day in and out just because I don’t know who the guy that decides when my transaction posts doesn’t mean I don’t know how my bank works. I don’t use the 800 number, I rely on online, because the minute I swipe my card, it posts and even though its in “pending status” still shows my balance with that transaction.

I realize what you are saying, my only reason to post her story was because the operator claimed she had the funds, and because of that caused an over draft, and they wouldn’t at least remove any of the fee’s despite it being a first offense.

Some banks are not forgiving at all. I’ve had no problems @ Bank Of America (but I know Jay has) where some people I’m sure live by M&T yet after speaking to them I think nothing but utterly shit as them, and a for that reason is why they lost a customer.


I don’t use the 800 number, I rely on online, because the minute I swipe my card, it posts and even though its in “pending status” still shows my balance with that transaction.


And you will eventually get screwed as well. If for some reason the terminal you made your purchase at goes into stand in mode (because it can’t connect with your bank’s online processer server) that purchase you made will not immediately show up. Depending on the terminal it that transactions may get sent in a balance update file, which will be processed as a batch.

Trust me, I write the code that actually makes all this work. :wink:

^^ Well so far, I’ve yet to have the problem. I have made a rule don’t make large purchases without paying in cash, and don’t let my checking drop below $500.

That way it doesn’t happen. I appreciate your knowledge and warnings.


^ Well, at least you recognize you have no financial self control or basic accounting skills.


oh i have control, i just dont have the patients to keep a record everytime i swipe a card to know how much i have left or to look online multiple times a day to see how much i have left to spend. every week, i pay my bills first, then put X dollars away with my savings, and the rest is my money for the week. i just think its easier to look in my pocket and go “hmm, i have $42” rather than go online or call some 1-800 number or whatever to find out the exact same thing. i just think its easier that way, but i guess i can see where a lot of people think its easier to swipe a card than to carry cash.

:rofl: at what this thread has become…


^^ Well so far, I’ve yet to have the problem. I have made a rule don’t make large purchases without paying in cash, and don’t let my checking drop below $500.

That way it doesn’t happen. I appreciate your knowledge and warnings.


so, you’re halfway there :slight_smile: Keeping a reasonable minimum balance will save you alot of headaches. It apparently saved Rubmycunt’s situation as well.

You cannot live by the phone system, ATM, webbanking, and not even the teller @ the branch office.

You have to be RESPONSIBLE to your own ledger. This is spelled out in the terms & conditions of every consumer deposit account at every bank. Sound shitty? Then don’t use banks to hold your money.

me carrying cash = spending a lot more at the bar than i already do.


oh i have control, i just dont have the patients to keep a record everytime i swipe a card to know how much i have left or to look online multiple times a day to see how much i have left to spend. every week, i pay my bills first, then put X dollars away with my savings, and the rest is my money for the week. i just think its easier to look in my pocket and go “hmm, i have $42” rather than go online or call some 1-800 number or whatever to find out the exact same thing. i just think its easier that way, but i guess i can see where a lot of people think its easier to swipe a card than to carry cash.


oh jesus. You are a really, really special person.



oh jesus. You are a really, really special person.



why? because i budget my money and handle it differently than prob 90% of people? oh well, it works for me better than swiping a card all of the time.
