Reason #3252541241 Why Banks Suck Ass


:rofl: at what this thread has become…


So what was the final answer from the bank? You forget about the $350 inflate-a-date you ordered?

try working for a bank. Getting anything done at work involves calling three 1-800 numbers, each referring you down the line into an endless circle.

lol… i dont karry any cash, ever. anyone else?

I’ll reply to the topic…


:rofl: at what this thread has become…


Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.



I don’t keep a lot of cash in my checking account, it’s mostly in my savings but that’s neither here nor there.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for “life sucks, you gotta deal” but I am allowed to rant like everyone else is so fuck you. :wiggle:

badazzss - I can’t handle the simple mistake as you can see. I have let loose with the profanity, I have pulled all my hair out and I am thinking about going on a muderous rampage of HSBC employees. Thanks for your expert analysis. :bloated:


Don’t be such a RuBiCaNT, be a RuBiCAN! :touchy:

:rofl: at the stupid in this thread, and thinking $500 is a minimum balance worth posting about


lol… i dont karry any cash, ever. anyone else?


I refuse to carry cash. If a place accepts cash only, I just go somewhere else.


:rofl: at the stupid in this thread, and thinking $500 is a minimum balance worth posting about


I didn’t post it for “baller status”, if so I would have lied and said something irrelevant like $20,000 which IMO would be retarded to have in a personal checking account.


lol… i dont karry any cash, ever. anyone else?



Cash is dead. I was just telling someone at work that a few weeks ago I took off on a 350 mile one way road trip back home with $6 cash in my wallet. EZ-Pass for tolls, debit card or rewards CC for everything else.


So what was the final answer from the bank? You forget about the $350 inflate-a-date you ordered?


All square, should be a day or two to process or so they say. I put the blow up doll on the CC… :rx3:


lol… i dont karry any cash, ever. anyone else?


it’s quite rare i have anything.


stop posting.