Why banks suck: Rant

humm well I put down a deposit on a my new DD and tell the guy I can pick it up on Saturday. This is Monday evening to give you a starting point. Ok no big deal, I’ll call the bank and get everything arranged later.

Call up and have funds transferred from my HSBC online account to my WoodForest account down here in TX. It can take up to three business days to have the funds transferred. Ok no problem.

Thursday rolls around and there is nothing, yet. Ok ok they have another day still. Now I am depositing a check worth more then the car I want to buy down here in TX from my work. Cool, I have roughly 3x the amount of the car now sitting in my bank down here in TX, this shouldn’t be a problem you’d think.

Now we are here today. Friday. The funds have not been transferred. Gay. I call up both banks, and they tell me it could take up to Tuesday to get the money. WTF I guess 1 week is 3 business days- Damn it. ok ok So can I pull out the money in my checking account? No because the check hasn’t cleared yet!!

UGH friggen gay.

If I took over a week to meddle with a miniscule amount of money I would get fired. This is why banks suck. I hope they all go under.


3 days up North = 1 week down South.

We just don’t like Texans. You should be getting a bank draft notice “You don’t look much like a steer to me, so that sort of narrows it down!” any time.