damnit joe

fix HSBC’s computers! My f’in direct deposit didnt go through…

haha poor hsbc

mine worked last night… OH i dont have HSBC :wave:

took my DD 2 days to show up. It’ll be there soon I’m sure

all should be fixed today. they were supposed to have all DD issues corrected by last night

that’s what has me worried…

Its not all fixed people I work with are still having issues

Don’t worry Jeff its not just you…

lol. i love when banks mess things up.

its great when its not your money

i have hsbc and mine went through last night. i heard it was only certain companies? i work for west herr and i havent heard anyone else having issues. conspiracy maybe…?

i heard it was mostly the catholic health system checks

MTB > evolve

just sayin


^ NWO stole their money?

No the juice stole it.


although, this is the first issue ive had in 6 years…