Apparently it started three months ago. HSBC made a mistake and subtracted TWO $70 overdraft fees. Why was I overdrafted? It took them 2 weeks to clear a payroll check. Think about that.
I overdrafted the $.13 and as I understand, should have had a $35 fee. Whatever. My check went in the day after. It’s like they waited for me to spend a dime over my amount so they could charge me. *
I complain about the two $70 fees and they recredit my account.
During the holidays I keep track of every penny by hand so I don’t have to worry. A check should have been deposited about a month ago, so I add in the amount. HSBC puts a hold on merchant purchases to the EXACT (to the cent) amount of the check. In my records, it looks like the purchases went thru and the check was deposited.
Flash forward to today. The check never actually went in. HSBC takes out the $150.50 worth of randomly held purchases from a month ago AND revokes one of the $70 credits they gave me 3 months ago. *
I should be up $300 in spendable monies, and instead I’m -180.
“Well we can’t do anything about it today because it’s 3:50pm and we’re about to close.”
Yeah “my branch” they told me is in Attica so when I’m out there tomorrow I’m going in as soon as they open. I’m getting all the overdraft fees recredited or I’m switching banks. I’ve had $65,000 in and out of this account in the past 2 years and have a college fund with them with $108,000 in it, so it’s great they’re going to lose it to gain a few overdraft fees.
Good luck. I got SLAMMED in HSBC overdraft charges once. However, it was really my fault.
Stayed in a hotel in canada, paid cash. But they needed a credit card for security deposit… Well, i figured if there was an issue they’d charge my card, and otherwise they wouldn’t… Well… I figured wrong (again, i admit this was entirely MY fault for not READING what i was signing)
Anyway, that 500 dollar security was enough to overdraft my checking account, but i spent the ENTIRE weekend making purchases. Not big ones, just small dinner and parking and this and that. Well, the following week i had nearly 455 dollars JUST in overage charges. I made a few calls, bitched and bitched and they refunded 2 of them. It was brutal.
I was so fucking mad, but again, my fault.
After that i tied my checking account to a credit card, and all overcharges go onto the card, just in case.
we’ve all been through it i’m sure… i had $1200 in NSF charges b/c i got a letter of apology for them forgetting to deposit a check and everything under the sun cleared after a 4 day weekend plus my first months rent, all my utilities, and a few dozen charges on my bank card from a 4 day weekend 3 night pub crawl marathon. twas an ugly thing but i got 99% of it fixed the next day, and all i lost was time. only overdrafted $20 i think? but there were so many transactions and they whacked me for every one.
Don’t firebomb our buildings. It’s a long way down from the 19th floor. Was the original mistake back when our systems imploded? Any charges related to that they’re crediting back, no questions asked.
this happened to me at M&T i deposited some checks looked online at my balance and saw they were clear, bought a few little things at a few different places and got charged with an overdraft fee for each place, they’re response was “your statement does not indicate how much money you have but how much is available” which made absolutely NO sense to me, especially since i had a copy of my statement showing the only time i went negative was when they took the first overdraft out. im just sticking to cash from now on…
im with hsbc and i cant stand them. i switched to the local credit union but i kept hsbc for when i pay bills with checks. it makes it easier so you can put the money from the one acc. to the other acc. and forget about it. unfortunately there arent any other banks near me here in the boonies.
at least hsbc freezes ur account so they stop taking fees. M&T used to just keep taking a 30 dollar fee out every day or so to me, then i switched to hsbc and i havent had ne problems with them.
i just switched to hsbc because i got sick of driving 25 mins to go to a branch (have/had esl) plus they gave me a decent rate (from what i was) on a car loan.
my direct deposit never shows on my account until 24+ hours after it was supposed to be deposited. sure it shows in my avail balance but wtf?
and what the hell is with the ‘virtual’ key board. esl used to keep a cookie so i wouldnt have to answer 3 security questions when i checked a box. and i have to navigate like 3 or 4 pages until i can log onto internet banking.
but i do like the online check register thing. really helps in budgeting.