M&T bank > ME

So yeah long story short. They fucked me HARD! I had just shy of $500 in the bank. Made some purchases on my debit card that was <$300 and they charged me for every transaction saying I did not have enough to cover it. If you look at the statement you can see it is a bank error. I went there, talked to the manager, she said it is what it is and they deny any responsablilty. Then for every question I asked her she had a different story as to what happened. They charged me $32 for 4 transactions and $37 for 2 and a few others which I don’t know what it’s for. All saying I overdrafted…which I clrearly did not because the statement showes I had the money in the bank, as did my ledger. I am going to file a complaint at the Attourny General’s office Monday. Is this something I should take them to small claims for or something? I went from $473 to -$128 in 2 days because they charged me so much for shit I had more than enough funds to cover. Would it be worth seeking punative damages?


This could get entertaining.

Go over talking to a local manager to calling corporate and nicely explaining the situation. I’m sure they won’t want to lose a customer over this and will probably remove the charges. Do that before you go to a higher level.

:word: It is complete bullshit. Like I said…I have a few different statements that show they fucked up…and they refuse to give me my money. I got laid off today and dont go back till Feb. I cant afford this shit right now.

i closed that bank account… im with bank of america. i have $100 put into my savings and if i ever overdraft my checking the look to my savings. free.
keep the change thing to. i have to drive a bit further, but im alot happier.
if you looked online account MnT is fucking slow as shit in a alaskn tundra.

This has happened to me before, they nicely corrected the error for me, both times that it happened.

Try talking to another manager.

I think I am going to just go with the Bank of Akron…seeing as how I live in Akron lol. Only reason I didnt was because M&T was on my way home from work and was quick.

M&T did the same shit to my gf. She checked her account, said she had like $120 in her checking. So she bought Subway, and a few things at the dollar store, and then a few small things nothing over the cost of $5 and sure enough they claimed there was no money in the account and all overdrafted. $37x4 and she had to pay it, even after proving it was bank error they stated there was no way to correct it.

She paid the overdraft fee, closed the account and is now with Bank of America :tup:


M&T did the same shit to my gf. She checked her account, said she had like $120 in her checking. So she bought Subway, and a few things at the dollar store, and then a few small things nothing over the cost of $5 and sure enough they claimed there was no money in the account and all overdrafted. $37x4 and she had to pay it, even after proving it was bank error they stated there was no way to correct it.

She paid the overdraft fee, closed the account and is now with Bank of America :tup:


Yeah ive heard many stories about the way M&T does shady buisness. I will not stand for this though. It is completely unacceptable. well they basicly have 2 options. 1) refund my money or 2) they hear from my Lawyer. Banking is a very highly regulated buisness. They can’t treat people like this.

well first of all all the statements come out at the end of your cycle date have you recently seen your balance?

any auto debits that you forgot to look over maybe a phone bill or something of that nature that takes it out every month?

tell them you want a printed statement right there showing all the transactions to current date or tell them to go over it with you. and the balances at every debit.

maybe a double purchase went through. i bet its not really a bank error just a user error that your trying to blame on the bank. i do this this for a living soo i bet its on your behalf.

Talk to someone else. Call corporate.

same thing happened to me a couple years ago. I now bank with HSBC.

[quote=“TurdBlown Teg,post:10,topic:38866"”]

well first of all all the statements come out at the end of your cycle date have you recently seen your balance?

any auto debits that you forgot to look over maybe a phone bill or something of that nature that takes it out every month?

tell them you want a printed statement right there showing all the transactions to current date or tell them to go over it with you. and the balances at every debit.

maybe a double purchase went through. i bet its not really a bank error just a user error that your trying to blame on the bank. i do this this for a living soo i bet its on your behalf.


Thats exactly what I did. I checked my account at an ATM and it said my ballance was 0 so I went to the bank to see whats up and they printed out the paper. I still had over $100 in my account on 11/8 (the day opf the transactions) yet on 11/9 they charged me 4 counts of overdrafting. This is taking into account for my bill that is an automatic withdrawl, it showed up on the statement. So I went from +$1XX to -$XXX overnight. the $1XX is what was leftover after my purchases.

Also, I had purchased 2 tires from sears for $209. then returned them the next day because I found a better deal online and got 4 Winterforce for $202. they guy at sears said the money would be put right back into my account the fallowing day because it was in the evening. The bank did not clear that money untill almost a week later, which they then deducted from my account.

When you opened the account there may have been a minimum balance requirement (some banks require a minimum if you have ‘free checking’) If you go under that minimum you technically have overdrafted. Perhaps your minimum was $500.

ps - :lol: @ $500 in the bank


This is all I feel like adding to this thread.

:lol: :wtf:


ps - :lol: @ $500 in the bank


Lol not everybody has a baller career Joe :wink:

I read somewhere that almost 50% or more of the US population of full time employment live paycheck to paycheck. Ouch.

Also, Jeg, did the Sears tire thing affect your overdraft? If so, you are kind of SOL there. All they will say is “the money was not in the account at the time of the other purchases so its considered an overdraft regardless if the money should be there or not”.


When you opened the account there may have been a minimum balance requirement (some banks require a minimum if you have ‘free checking’) If you go under that minimum you technically have overdrafted. Perhaps your minimum was $500.

ps - :lol: @ $500 in the bank


The reason I dont have alot in the bank is because I just baught a truck, and I have been paying off bills from when I had my shoulder reconstruction done. I may not make alot of money but at least I have a job. Besides…I can make more money…but you will always be a hobbit sized asshat.

They had done that to me about 3-4 years ago…

same exact thing pretty much, except it added up to something like 11 overdraft fees…

basically was their fault, they wouldn’t hear it.

Did you what you are going to do, filed a complaint with the AGs office, complete with all my statements and such.

About 2 weeks later I got my money back.