Bank of America Issues

ok before i get into a huge long post… who else has had problems with these guys? more specifically, not getting statements or statements with other peoples information on them. i’m just curious, i’ll explain why later

never had a prob here… i get statements every month etc.

:bloated: :bloated: :bloated:

See you in the morning.

i hate them. alot.

haha i see you know where i’m going with this :stuck_out_tongue:

and yes, they do suck alot. what they mess up for you dirty?

I’ve been with them for a year now,no problems yet.I dont get paper statements,I get the electronic ones.I really like their online layout.

Contact someone at Consumerist, they usually give really good advice. The extra exposure if you get published on the blog is a big boost to a successful resolution.

ok here comes the LONG read…i’m about to go to bed so i’ll leave you all with this, and check the replies in the morning.

lets go back to last summer

i had 4 credit cards, wasn’t too happy about making all those payments, so i wanted to consolidate everything into one payment and end the debt i had gotten myself into (manageable, but just hated dealing with 4 seperate company’s). so i go to hsbc, and get a consolidation loan

may 15th, i sign the papers, part of the approval is paying all 4 credit cards in full, and closing the accounts. i sit and watch hsbc call all 4 accounts, get all 4 payment amounts, and pay/close them. i leave the bank, with now only one payment, mission accomplished.

over the course of the next 11 months, the only mail i get pertaining to bank account statements etc is from hsbc, no suprises there.

fast forward to tuesday. i get a message left from some collection agency, saying i owe money. hmmm…well there was that one ticket in ohio i had that i took forever to pay, but that was payed last month, maybe they didn’t update their records? so i call back, to see whats up. girl on the other end tells me " you have a balance due of $9xx with bank of america, how do you want to make this payment". i’m like bank of america? i closed that account almost a year ago. “well, i’m showing a balance here that you need to pay” so i ask for the account number, to atleast try and make sure its the same one. she gets all pissy " you don’t even know your account number?" and i say no, i don’t, this account was over and done with so long ago i’m going to have to go back and check for any records i have on it" to which she replies “this is a collection agency not a bank, take it up with them” and hangs up on me! so i call back again, she hangs up AGAIN, and then a third time. at this point i’m thinking, someones tryin to scam me for a social security number, and i’m not having it so they are getting pissed, wtf.

so for peace of mind, i call bank of america the next morning. after sitting on hold for 20 minutes, i get through to an operator , because i can’t access any account info through the automated system because i don’t have my account number. she pulls up my account and tells me there IS a balance, and transfers me to someone else. tell them my story, get transfered AGAIN, and then ONE MORE TIME to someone who can finally “help” me.

i proceed to tell her how it was paid off by the bank and closed etc, she tells me that there was a payment made in may, but not for the full amount, leaving a balance due. then in july ??? there was another payment made for $900, still leaving a balance of $4xx on the account. from that point on, the card took on late fees/finance charges to its present $9xx amount, and was “sold off” to a collection agency. so first thing that comes to mind is, why did i not get any statments from you guys? her response " we sent them all out, and didn’t receive any back so you must have got them" dumbfounded, i tell her that i woulda noticed somthing like that, and i haven’t gotten any since may. she then proceeds to tell me my mailing address is 1771 XXXX street " no my address is 171" to which she replies " oh thats what i meant, well then i’m marking it down here that we agreed that that is the correct address and you received the statements" !!! :bloated: to which she tells me that bank of america can’t do anything for me, and that i have to contact the collections and payment for the full amount with them.

feeling defeated, i call hsbc and speak to the loan officer to did my original loan. he pulls it up and recalls that it was to pay off the 4 cards, and agrees that somthing isn’t adding up. he puts me on conference call and calls bank of america himself, so that i can hear/talk as well. another 20 mins on hold and we finally atleast have an account number (which no one would give me up until that point) and we’re on hold / transfer again, a total of 5 more times (this phone call took an hour and a half btw). we get someone who will atleast give me the time of day, and they agree to fax over all those statements to hsbc, so we atleast have someone on paper to look at, and basically tells me the same info as the person did when i called earlier, that it’d gone to collections etc. she also tells me the account was closed in MARCH OF 07.

so meanwhile as the bank is looking for my hard copy of the check they sent out (to see what the payment amount really was) i get a credit report run… to find my rating has gone down ~100 points from the incident and that the bank of america account is coming up as past due, with a closing date of february :bloated: oh and the 3 other accounts i payed off with the loan, all come up as paid in full and closed, in may

this is where i’m at currently… and if anyone has any advice, its GREATLY appreciated. i’m left to assume theres one of 2 things that happened

a) The payment amount was entered wrong
b) it was infact not for the full amount, leaving a balance (but where did the 900 payment in july come from?) and then bank of america proceeded to decide not to send me statments anymore

What it really boils down to, is if i owe someone money, i’ll pay it, i’m not going to try and avoid it. So if i really owe the $4xx balance that was left, i’ll pay it. But i’m NOT paying all those fee’s because of someone elses mistake, which took my credit down with it. Its not even over the amount of money, its not like its thousands of dollars, but im not about to throw away $5xx and a credit rating that i built over the past 8 yrs for no reason.

So if bank of america says its out of their hands, and the collections agency says they can’t do anything about it (let alone even give me any info on the account), where do i turn to get this resolved??

btw, i did a quick search on google last nite, and appears that around that time (june/july) mbna and bank of america merged, messing up alot of accounts in the process. coincidence? i think not…

GTFO! we had nothing but issue with these morons! we switched after it got messy-regrets for sure!

i love BOA, no problems, if HSBC fucked up and sent them the wrong amount then that should be on HSBC. Its funny that it took bank of america that long to contact you. That def sucks, hoep you get that taken care of

I just got a call from HSBC saying I owed them 7xx and can I pay this today, Im like I just paid that card off, last payment was made on the 30th of march. He looks it up and sure nuff, Its paid, he apologizes and hangs up. I was gonna cuss someone the fuck out.

God I love my credit Union. Standard banking = the worst.

Hong kong Shanghai Banking Corporation… I would never support them.

thats the part that pisses me off the most. in all reality, they never even did contact me, the first contact i had about it was from the collections agency :roll2:

me and shannon have also had many issues woth bank of america, like sending payments 2 weeks in before due date, and i would still end up with late fees which then caused overdraft fees and etc. That was the worst credit card either of us have ever worked with…

lol,I really hope that they don’t fuck me over on my online credit card payment and charge me late fees.I scheduled a online payment for my credit card to be paid in full,it was due yesterday and the money hasn’t been taken out of my account yet…hoping that it’ll be taken care of on monday and its just because its the weekend.

Most banks take 2 business days to accept payment online…

HSBC will screw you every step of the way. I set up automatic payments with them for my car at the time, and they “accidently” set it up to be sent every week instead of every month. Then I tried to contact them about it, and ended up having to call their international phone line because I couldn’t get through to a person any other way. Then they refused to make attempts to reclaim the money, even though they admitted fault. Then I walked into a branch to close the account, and found out a month later that they had left a dollar in the account, to which I had been incurring fees because I didn’t meet the minimum balance, even though I was sitting there with a form from them signed and everything saying I had closed the account.

Do you have some sort of proof that HSBC did send in payment to BofA? At least then you’ll know if it was HSBC’s fault, or BofA’s fault.

I didn’t read your personal novel, but I’ve had nothing but great experiences with BoA and just opened another account with them.

HSBC on the other had was a fucking nightmare when I lived in WNY.

then maybe you should read it walter :stuck_out_tongue:

silver: they are checking their records now for a hard copy of the check sent, hopefully its there

ok update… on APRIL 17TH i had to send a “dispute letter” to this debt collector, and at that time i also paid the $5xx that i actually did owe so i disputed the $4xx in late fee’s from the time that bank of america lost the account. everytime i call them to find out what happened they say “oh we are still waiting to hear back from the bank, its just a waiting game at this point” :rolleyes: so guess what i get in the mail yesterday…a letter from ANOTHER collections agency for $4xx . this is some fucking bullshit, they haven’t even responded to the first one and then they send ANOTHER one in? this is getting ridiculous

my check when i deposit it (even with my company dealing with b of a) it takes 2 business days to clear which my other banks it would just go right in.